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Association of
Alumnae and Former
Students of
Sweet Briar College
December, 1916
Alice G. Swain, '14 President
Rachel Forbush Vice-President
Lelia Dew Secretary
Sue Slaughter, '13 Treasurer
Executive Committee
Eugenia Buffingfon, '13
Harriet Evans, '15
Grace Martin
Dorothy Wallace
The present executive committee
wishes to express its appreciation of
the work done by the former execu-
tive committee of the Association.
The aim of the Association Book-
let is to keep every old girl in touch
with every other old girl and in
touch with the Association work.
One of the departments of our or-
ganization deals altogether with this
aim. The girls can lighten our work
and help us live up to our aim by
assuming the responsibility of be-
coming active, live members of their
State Chapters. So much of the
strength of the Association lies in
the hands of those girls that we
urge Chapter formation wherever
possible. Often it is impossible to
attend the meetings of the nearest
Chapter. If so, write the Chapter
Secretary for a report of the meet-
ings and work out their ideas in
your town. If there is no Chapter
in your community, write to the
President of the Association con-
cerning the advisability of forming
There are certain duties that de-
volve upon everyone. First, pay your
dues promptly to the Treasurer of
the Association, Sue Slaughter, 547
Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia.
The dues are the greatest financial
support the Association can receive.
There are over one thousand "old
girls." Let each pay her dues to
the Association, and half of the
amount the girls want to raise this
year will be in the Treasury.
Second, send any change of ad-
dress or name and birth notices to
Marion Peele, Sweet Briar, Virginia.
Changes of name and address must
also be sent to Sue Slaughter. Any
notes concerning yourself that you
think others would be interested in
knowing should go to Isabell Wood,
editor of the Alumnae Department
of the Magazine. It would be a good
plan for each Chapter to subscribe to
the Magazine.
Third, interest other people in
Sweet Briar. Many girls select a
school or college at random. It is
for us old girls to suggest Sweet
Briar to these unsettled individuals.
Fourth, for the next few years the
two most familiar words to the
Sweet Briar girls should be, and
most probably will be, "Endowment
Fund." An endowment fund is not
a luxury, but a necessity. Other col-
leges refer to their Funds in terms
of hundreds of thousands. We say
— "Twelve thousand." It is for us
girls to radically change such a
statement. It can be done. It must
be done. Girls, can we earn two
thousand dollars this year? It is a
paltry sum if every girl helps. We
can do it.
The old girls who received the
Booklet last year were probably in-
terested in hearing of the division
of the " Subs " from the College. By
this division Sweet Briar Academy
was founded, with Mrs. H. N. Hills
as Principal.
This year there is a radical change
in the College. Miss Benedict, our
beloved President, has resigned, and
Miss McVea, of the University of
Cincinnati, was elected President by
the Board of Trustees.
All who were at the meeting in
June know that the Association
voted to purchase a Williams watch
from the Sweet Briar Estate and
give it to Miss Benedict with our
love and gratitude. The following
is an extract from a letter of thanks
from Miss Benedict:
" My thanks go out to all who
took part in sending this to me and,
as I don't know how to reach them,
I hope you will help me by letting
them know as far as you can how
pleased I am. What they did and
the way it was done was so lovely,
and the watch with what it means
as an expression of the * girls old and
new ' is the thing I value most of all
my possessions."
Belonging to the Sweet Briar Estate
there is a quantity of old silver and
wonderful laces. Many suggestions
had been made to dispose of these
valuables, but none were carried out
for a long time. Last year Mrs. Mc-
Call, kin of the Williams family,
proposed that the Alumnae Associa-
tion buy what remained of the laces,
for she had sold a few pieces during
the year, the proceeds to go to the
Endowment Fund through her. The
Association decided, since the money
would go to the Fund, to buy the
laces which had been marked at ri-
diculously low prices. Among the
pieces purchased are two beautiful
lace handerchiefs and two collars,
one a small Milan point bertha val-
ued by an appraiser of laces at $125,
the other a large bertha valued at
about one half the price of the
smaller one. It is planned to have
these laces valued and mounted.
It gives me genuine pleasure to
comply with your President's re-
quest that I send, through the Book-
let, a few words of greeting to the
alumnae and former students of
Sweet Briar. Many of you I have
already met and I am anticipating
knowing all of you in the near fu-
ture. Already we have a common
interest in a keen desire to further
the welfare of Sweet Briar. I came
to it as its President because I be-
lieved in what it had accomplished
in the past and what it promised for
the future. You have already given
abundant evidence of your devotion
to your college by your valiant and
successful efforts in behalf of the
endowment fund. What you have
done is, I feel sure, a pledge of what
you will do.
No educational institution to-day
can properly maintain itself on the
tuition fees of its students; certainly
no college can exist without a large
and stable income derived from state
or from private endowment, or yet
more fortunately from a happy com-
bination of public and private bene-
faction. The rapid increase of our
endowment fund is vital not only to
the progress but to the very exist-
ence of Sweet Briar as a college of
first academic ranking. From its lo-
cation and from its first benefactions
this college belongs in a certain
sense to Virginia, but the wide range
from which it draws its student
body, including thirty-four of the
United States, and its loyal alumnae
scattered _ from the Atlantic to the
Pacific give it a cosmopolitan char-
acter which argues well for its fu-
ture influence and development. If
the fair promises of the present are
realized. Sweet Briar should be a
center of sound learning for women
from every part of our country.
The day of isolation in education
has passed. To-day every school,
college, and university must under-
stand that intellectual attainments
are not for themselves alone, but are
valuable only when they can be in-
terpreted in the terms of life and
that that education is a failure which
does not enrich the life of the indi-
vidual and, through the individual,
the community and national life of
which he is a part. The college,
therefore, basing as it does it's cur-
riculum in the fundamental subjects
essential to intellectual development,
should recognize also the complex
life of to-day and so shape its
courses of study as to aid women in
worthily discharging their ^ increas-
ing community responsibilities.
Your president, faculty, and trus-
tees intend to make the degree of
Sweet Briar College an increasing
mark of honor and academic distinc-
tion to those who earn it and an ever
higher asset to them in their work.
It is our aim not only to maintain
the good standards of the past, but
to develop the college in scientific
equipment, in library facilities, and
in the number and variety of courses
of study so that it will exert an ever
larger educational influence. Devo-
tion to the best interest's of the col-
lege and loyal co-operation on the
part of Trustees, Faculty, and the
Association of Alumnae and Former
Students will surely in the end se-
cure for Sweet Briar the place which
it should hold in the educational life
of this country. To these ends we
invite your cordial support.
Emilie W. McVea,
President of Sweet Briar College.
Article III. Members
Sec. 2. — Former students of the
Academy are eligible to auxiliary
membership in the Association and
all the privileges pertaining thereto,
except that of holding office.
Article IV. Officers
Sec. 2. — The President, one other
officer and two members of the Ex-
ecutive Committee shall be alumnae.
The other two officers and the other
two members of the Executive Com-
mittee shall be elected from the As-
sociation at large, exclusive of
By-Law VI
All Association members visiting
Sweet Briar shall be expected to
abide by Student Government Asso-
ciation rules.
Balance September, 1915 . . . $100.00
Interest on note 1.50
Pledges from Chapters 508.07
New York $92.05
Norfolk 76.75
Ohio 59-25
Richmond 53-75
Chicago 40-55
Salem-Roanoke . . . 40-37
Philadelphia 39-45
Lynchburg 25.00
Indianapolis 20.00
Montclair 16.25
Winston-Salem . . . 1300
Charlottesville .... 9-00
Sheboygan 5-^5
Danville 3-3©
Louisville 3-25
ton 3.05
S. B. C. 7.00
Dues (individuals not in
Chapters) 45.50
Pledges (individuals not in
Chapters) 58.00
Sale of Booklets 2.50
Alumnae Play 95-00
Total Receipts $810.57
Stationery $ 11.25
Express .29
Stamps 16.00
Printing 127.46
Machine to Lynchburg 8.80
Alumnae Delegate to Cin-
cinnati 30.10
Loan for Purchase of Watch 50.20
Turned Over to Endowment
Fund 52.90
Total Expenditures . . $297.00
Balance June, 1916 $5i3-57
Katherine Wilson,
Treasurer, 1915-16.
Helen Brockett $ 25.00
Eugenia Buffington 50.00
Margery Cox 50.00
Margaret Dressier 25.00
Mary Herd 25.00
Margaret Kaufman 25.00
Helen Lamfrom 50.00
Elise Lloyd 25.00
Lucile Marshall 25.00
Grace Martin 25.00
Elizabeth Newman 25.00
Rebekah Fatten 25.00
Helen Pennock 25.00
Frances Richardson 35-00
Barbara Schreier 25.00
Barbara Shand 25.00
Sue Slaughter 25.00
Henrietta Washburn 50.00
Total $560.00
The new treasury system urges on
every former student of Sweet Briar
the yearly payment of the Associa-
tion dues of $1.00, or, better still, the
payment of $25.00 for life member-
ship. To this end bills have already
been sent to all girls who have at
any time attended Sweet Briar and
we would urge that those who have
not already done so should remit as
soon as possible, for it will save the
Association trouble, expense and
anxiety if you are prompt. Girls who
live west of the Mississippi River
are requested to send money orders
and not checks, as eastern banks
charge ten cents for collecting every
check on a western bank. Flease do
not think that contributions from
Chapters take the place of dues. The
work of the Chapters is most neces-
sary and we heartily commend and
encourage it, but we urge that you
pay your annual dues direct to the
central Association in addition to
working with your local Chapter.
Only in this way can the Association
keep track of every girl and this is
a vital necessity in effective organi-
The question has arisen as to how
long a girl will be considered an As-
sociation member if she does not pay
her dues. It has been suggested that
after three years her name be
dropped from the Secretary's and
Treasurer's books and that her As-
sociation membership will cease.
June 5, 1916 — 9 : 00 a.m.
A special meeting of the Associa-
tion of Alumnae and Former Stu-
dents of Sweet Briar College was
held for the purpose of considering
an amendment to the Constitution.
It was proposed that Article IV, Sec-
tion 2, which reads as follows, be
amended at the next meeting: "The
President, the Secretary and two
members of the Executive Commit-
tee shall be alumnae. The Vice-
President, the Treasurer and two
other members of the Executive
Committee shall be elected from the
Association at large, exclusive of
The question of Association mem-
bership for the students of the Acad-
emy was discussed. It was suggested
that they be admitted as auxiliary
members of the Association.
Miss Washburn asked representa-
tives of various Chapters to prepare
informal reports of the activities of
their respective Chapters for the an-
nual meeting.
As there was no further business
to be brought before the Association,
the meeting was adjourned.
Anne M. Schutte,
Secretary pro tem.
June s, 1916
The regular annual meeting of the
Association of Alumnae and Former
Students was held in the Academic
Building. The minutes of the 1915
meeting were read and approved.
The Chapters having representatives
present gave informal reports of their
efforts to raise money for the En-
dowment Fund.
* It was suggested that members
of Chapters send their dues to their
respective Chapter treasurers, who
in turn should hand in the money
together with an itemized report.
The Association should be respon-
sible for the collection of dues of
non-Chapter members. This sugges-
tion was generally approved, but no
action was taken.
*N.B. All dues are to be sent to
Sue Slaughter, 547 Warren Cres-
cent, Norfolk, Virginia.
In considering the amount to be
raised for the Endowment Fund by
the Association for the year 1916-
1917, two thousand dollars was sug-
gested as a beginning.
The question of Association mem-
bership for Academy students which
had been discussed at the special
meeting was then reopened. The
following motion was made and
carried :
" Former students of the Acaderny
are eligible t'o auxiliary membership
in the Association and all the privi-
leges pertaining thereto, except that
of holding office."
It was moved and carried that Ar-
ticle IV, Section 2 of the Constitu-
tion be amended to read as follows:
" The President, one other officer
and two members of the Executive
Committee shall be alumnae. The
other two officers and the other two
members of the Executive Commit-
tee shall be elected from the As-
sociation at large, exclusive of
The question of discipline for As-
sociation members while visiting col-
lege was then discussed. It was
moved by Miss Martin and seconded
by Miss Maurice that the following
cW be incorporated i„ the B,
swett" iZ"lZi IT^'" ^-«"'
-f :td/ Cf ^'enet^cr^
member of th^ Aco^ • f- ^^-^ ^
lifp r«<.^u . Association, C2) a
iiie member of tli^ Ao„ • /• ^ -^ ^
{■2^ Vfr.^ or tne Association, and
k3) Honorary Presidenf ,^f +t, a
Miss ptt^ *' ?"""^' meetings.
ship iist of the^ILo^cia^t; TT^t
foi5"o:i„^;"(it™itte? t^'""'"'^"- '"^
the dispoMirZtces an7""^f' '
&1 ^T^eL-„^re7^l?- '«-
cers and executive members at tte
next meeting. The meeting ad-
Respectfully submitted,
Anne M. Schutte,
Secretary pro tern.
June 6, 1916
A meeting of the Association of
Alumnae and Former Students was
held in the Academic Building. The
minutes of the annual meeting were
read and approved.
The election of Secretary and mem-
bers of the Executive Committee
were then held. The result of the
elections was as follows: Lelia Dew,
Secretary; Eugenia Buffington and
Harriet Evans, Alumnae Members of
the Executive Committee; Grace
Martin and Dorothy Wallace, Non-
Alumnae Members of the Executive
It was moved and carried that an
amendment to Article IV, Section 2
of the Constitution be discussed at
the next annual meeting. The fact
was brought to the notice of the As-
sociation that in a vote cast by the
Executive Committee four votes
would be cast by Former Students
and three by Alumnae.
The President then suggested the
formation of an Advisory Commit-
tee of the Association. This is to
be made up of prominent men and
women, who can advise us jfinancially
as well as help us to hold up our
academic standard. At the will of
the Association, it was decided that
such a Committee should be formed.
It was suggested by Miss Griffin
that Miss Guion, Dr. Stevenson, Miss
Chapman, Dr. Crawford, Miss Gay
Fatteson, Dr. Cross and other per-
sons who have shown deep interest
in Sweet Briar, be asked to become
honorary members of our Associa-
tion. It was decided to take up the
matter at the next meeting.
It was suggested by Miss Grant
that Resolutions be sent Miss Gay
Patteson expressing our apprecia-
tion of her loyal service and unfail-
ing interest in Sweet Briar since the
founding of the College, and our re-
gret because of the recent resigna-
tion of Miss Patteson as a member
of the Faculty.
As there was no further business
to be brought before the Association,
the meeting was adjourned.
Rspectfully submitted,
Anne M. Schutte,
Secretary pro tem.
June 6, 1916
A meeting of the Academy and
College students not expecting to re-
turn to Sweet Briar was held in the
Chapel. Miss Swain welcomed these
students into the Association and
stated that she was glad that there
was so small a number. There were
twenty-one present.
The amendment to the Constitu-
tion concerning the membership ^ of
Academy students in the Association
was read and explained. It was
shown that, while former Academy
students have all the privileges of
the Association with the exception of
holding office, there is no reason why
they should not hold office in a
Chapter of the Association.
After the purposes and ideals of
the Association had been explained
and the co-operation of the new
members solicited. Membership and
Endowment Fund Pledge Blanks
were signed.
As there was no further business,
the meeting was adjourned.
Anne M. Schutte,
Secretary pro tern.
On account of the change in ad-
ministration we offer the following
resolutions :
I. Be It Resolved in behalf of the
Association of Alumnae and Former
Students of Sweet Briar College that
we acknowledge the services of Miss
Benedict as President of Sweet
Briar. We recognize the difficulties
of her position in establishing a new
college, in forming precedents and
in doing pioneer work. Under her
administration Sweet Briar has won
recognition among the ranking col-
leges. Vassar, Wellesley, Smith and
Columbia have accepted Sweet Briar
students for advanced study with
credit for work done here. Cornell,
Columbia and Johns Hopkins Uni-
versities have admitted Sweet Briar
alumnae to their graduate work.
II. Be It Resolved, that we express
our appreciation of what Miss Bene-
dict has done, not only for Sweet
Briar, but for us as individuals. We
know that her resignation means a
loss to each member of the student
body. Her influence has been felt in
every phase of college life, and we
feel that, whatsoever may be accom-
plished in the future administration
of the college, no one can replace for
us personally the inspiration and
ideals of Miss Benedict.
Whereas Miss Gay Patteson has
been a member of the Faculty since
the founding of Sweet Briar College,
Whereas her services have been
highly valued and deeply appreciated,
Be It Resolved, that we, the Asso-
ciation of Alumnae and Former Stu-
dents of Sweet Briar College, hereby
express our regret at her resignation,
that these resolutions be entered
upon the minutes of the Association
and that a copy of the same be sent
to her.
Chicago Chapter
The Chicago Chapter Includes, aside
from the active girls in Chicago, Oak
Park and Evanston, those Sweet
Briar girls living in the state of Illi-
nois, Wisconsin and a part of Michi-
gan. It is difficult for girls, other
than those immediately active, to be
present at the meetings, as most of
them live at great distances. How-
ever, if those girls unable to attend
meetings would just do what they
can towards the work of the Chap-
ter, I am sure we could make ours
one of the strongest Chapters.
The first luncheon and business
meeting was held in September, 1915.
The chief business consisted in the
election of officers for the coming
year. Alma Eisendrath was made
President and Gladys Beyers, Sec-
retary and Treasurer.
The second meeting was held in
December and ways and means of
raising Endowment Fund money
were discussed. It was decided to
work up a Rummage Sale to be
given some time in the spring. By
the end of January, however, prac-
tically all of the girls had left town
for the winter so that it was quite
an impossibility to consider any kind
of a stunt to raise money.
At the third meeting of the year,
held the first of May, 1916, it was
suggested that we send a letter to
each member of the Chapter ex-
plaining our predicament and urging
a donation of $3.00 apiece, or if that
amount was considered too great, to
give what she could toward our
Chapter's Endowment Fund contri-
bution. Letters were sent to about
sixty girls and exactly eight were
heard from !
We hope for more enthusiasm and
a better showing from our Chapter
this year, and we wish the best of
luck for all the other Sweet Briar
Gladys M. Beyers,
Oak Park Chapter
After hibernating for a year, the
Oak Park Chapter again shows signs
of life that promise an energetic
year. At the first meeting in Sep-
tember, plans were made to rent a
moving-picture theater, the proceeds
to go to the Endowment Fund. The
following officers were elected : Presi-
dent, Rachel Forbush; Secretary,
Esther Roberts; Treasurer, Edith
New York Chapter
The New York Chapter had its
first meeting the first Monday after-
noon in October. The result of the
election of officers was : President,
Hazel Marshall; Secretary, Dorys
McConnell ; Treasurer, Eleanor Som-
mervllle. The President expressed
her desire for a well-organized, ac-
tive Chapter. It was planned to
have old Sweet Briar girls who are
accomplishing something in the world
speak to us at our meetings. Eva
Wright told us stories one afternoon,
making us pretend that we were little
children. It was delightful! After
Christmas Lucile Marshall told us
something of her work at the New
Jersey State Reformatory, Chnton,
N. J. During the spring vacation
we gave our " Bridge " at the Plaza,
making about $70. Edith Christie
and Cornelia Doremus also gave a
"Bridge" at the Christie residence,
clearing $16.25. Including our pledges
of ^22, we handed in $108.30 to the
Association treasury this year.
Ohio Chapter
The annual meeting of the north-
ern Ohio Chapter of the Association
of alumnae and Former Students
was held at the Statler Hotel, Cleve-
land, Thursday, September 7. The
following Sweet Briar girls were
present: Charlotte Seaver, Rosalie
Feder, Grace MacBain, Laura Port-
mann, Lois Sauters, Mary Bissell,
Eleanor Kingsbury Root, Rachael
Lloyd, Louise Case, Grace Martin,
Helen Pennock, Olive Cole, Mabel
Barber, Margaret Grant, Marjorie
Koler, Florence Gage and Ruth Hul-
During the past year the Chapter
raised by voluntary contributions
the sum of $59.25. We hope that
the girls will continue to show the
enthusiasm that characterized our re-
union luncheon, so that this year we
can at least double our slim contri-
The officers for igi6-'i7 are : Laura
Portmann, President; Louise Case,
Vice-President; Mary Bissell, Secre-
tary and Treasurer.
Margaret Grant,
Philadelphia Chapter
The Philadelphia Chapter covers a
large area, including as members all
girls living in Pennsylvania east of
Harrisburg and those from nearby
states. On account of the wide range
of territory, only a small number
find it possible to attend meetings,
the attendance usually ranging from
seven to ten.
Organized in October for the 1915-
1916 work, the following officers
were elected: Marian D. Yerkes,
President; Marian M. Faust, Secre-
tary ; Barbara Shand, Treasurer. The
latter resigned and Dorothy Gram-
mer was elected Treasurer.
Later a meeting was held in the
form of a luncheon. The proceeds
were small, as only seven girls were
' ' 24
present. From plans made at this
meeting Marian Faust obtained 250
movie ticket's, which a kind manager
gave us to sell for the Sweet Briar
Endowment Fund. Besides pledges,
the Chapter turned in $41.20 to the
Association treasury.
Owing to the unsettled conditions
and the many benefits for foreign
countries, we didn't do as well as last
year, but hope to do better this year.
Marian D. Yerkes.
Salem- Roanoke Chapter
This Chapter, as its name implies,
includes the Sweet Briar girls of
Roanoke and Salem. It would be
very glad to include members from
the vicinity, but there are none.
Our membership for the past year
was only seven, but those seven mem-
bers were loyal and enthusiastic
ones. We met once a month at the
homes of the various girls and there
planned our campaigns and ex-
changed Sweet Briar news. As for
the money we raised, — well, in spite
of our activities we didn't make as
much as we expected, but we handed
in about forty dollars in June. We
made this by presenting Winston
Wilkinson in a violin recital, sending
articles to the Xmas Bazaar at Sweet
Briar, selling old clothes, and private
However, there is one matter in
which we feel we should be per-
mitted to boast. Five sevenths of
our Chapter attended Commence-
ment! Can any other Chapter beat
this record?
We recognize the importance of
interesting girls in our College, and
one of our members has this sum-
mer procured one and possibly two
new students for this fall.
Eugenia W. Griffin.
Huntington Chapter
The Huntington Chapter has been
quite a fizzle this year, as there has
been no one there to do anything.
Officers were to have been elected
during the winter, but various cir-
cumstances prevented our calling a
meeting. We are hoping, however,
to reorganize real soon and we shall
try to get some Huntington girls to
go to Sweet Briar this fall,
Rebekah E. Patton.
Norfolk Chapter
The Norfolk Chapter held its first
meeting for the year 1915-16 the lat-
ter part of October. The following
officers were elected : President, Sue
Slaughter ; Vice-President and Secre-
tary, Virginia Ethredge Hitch ; Treas-
urer, Edith Hyslop. A plan was
made to raise a certain sum of
money regularly each month, but un-
fortunately we failed to carry out
the plan. The money which we were
able to make was raised by two cake
sales in the Central Market, a sub-
scription card-party and the fiUing
of penny-slips.
Four meetings were held during
the year, at two of which we were
delighted to have two of our out-of-
town members, Almeria Barley from
Hampton and Elkanah East Taylor
from Driver. Our Chapter still em-
braces only the cities of Norfolk and
Portsmouth. In May we had a visit
from Miss Coale, the Board's Pub-
licity Secretary. Miss Coale spoke
to the graduating class of the Nor-
folk High School about colleges in
general and Sweet Briar in par-
Marie Lorton has moved to Nor-
folk and became an interested Chap-
ter member last year. In April
Frances Murrell was married to Mr.
Evringham Rickards and she is now
living in Norfolk. Carolyn Gwath-
mey was married to Lieutenant Lyal
Ament Davidson on June 3.
Sue R. Slaughter.
Lynchburg Chapter
The Lynchburg Chapter consists of
fourteen Lynchburg girls, who with
Daisy Guggenheimer as President
and Jean Alexander as Secretary
and Treasurer held three meetings
during the past year. A chain letter
was formed with considerable suc-
cess, although the Chapter did not
realize as much this year as they
wished. The coming year they hope
to swell the Sweet Briar Endow-
ment Fund with many shining pen-
Richmond Chapter
The Richmond Chapter was or-
ganized— or rather reorganized-|-in
December, 1914, and has about thirty
nominal members. As usual, how-
ever, with such organizations, only
a few attend meetings regularly and
really work; so we think that we
have a pretty good meeting when
there are sixteen or eighteen present.
We have been working during the
past year on the problem of better
organization and we have been try-
ing to arouse interest and enthusiasm
for our work of raising money.
Our girls took a prominent and
creditable part in the big Shake-
spearan pageant given here last May.
They took charge of several booths
in the Bartholomew (London) Fair
and also presented parts of "Love's
Labour Lost." I was appointed
chairman of our Pageant Commit-
tee and directed the play. Louise
Hooper was leading lady. Whereas
we didn't gain a thing financially, we
did secure recognition for our little
Chapter among the other college
clubs and alumnae associations _ in
town, which seems to be just as im-
portant for Sweet Briar at this time.
The Richmond Chapter sent in to
the Association treasurer about $50,
which was raised as follows : Penny-
slips, $5; "Bridge" party $35, and
the balance from dues.
The officers for this year are:
Bessie Whittet, President; Mary
Johnston, Vice-President ; Emma
Morriss, Secretary; Anna Beveredge,
Treasurer. Emma Morriss,
Dr. Mary K. Benedict has resigned
the Presidency of the College and
has been succeeded by Miss Emilie
W. McVea, A.B. and A.M. George
Washington University, Litt'.D. Uni-
versity of Cincinnati.
Miss E. M. Morenus has taken
Miss Patteson's place as head of the
Department of Mathematics, and
Miss Mary Searle, A.B. Wellesley
College, Instructor in Mathematics,
has succeeded Miss Morenus.
Miss Leonora Neuffer, A.B., Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati, is Asso-
ciate Professor of Chemistry.
Miss Rowland is absent from Col-
lege for an indefinite length of time
on account of ill health.
Miss Edith Fisk, A.B. Wellesley
College, has succeeded Miss Whittier
as Instructor in Biology.
Miss Josephine Simrall, A.B. Wel-
lesley College, is Associate Professor
of Psychology.
Miss Josephine Guion, A.B., Wel-
lesley College, graduate of Welles-
ley School of Hygiene, is Director
of Physical Training.
Miss Elizabeth Pryor, B.S. Iowa
State College, is head of the Depart-
ment of Home Economics.
Miss Maria Collins, A.B. Univer-
sity of Cincinnati, A.M. Radcliffe
College is Instructor in History.
Miss Young, who was absent from
College last year on account of her
health, has returned and is again Di-
rector of the Department of Music.
Mr. H. S. Worthington, who has
spent the last two years in the De-
partm.ent of Romance Languages,
Johns Hopkins University, has re-
turned this year to Sweet Briar.
Miss Gascoigne is in charge of the
Physical Training at Ossining this
Miss Cheney has gone to China as
a teacher.
Mrs. Anna McCall is planning to
spend two or three years in Cali-
fornla. Her address will be Care E.
Blackburn and Company, 68 Broad
St., New York City.
1910 — Eugenia Griffin is teaching
in the Richmond High School this
year. Louise Hooper spent August
near Luray, Virginia, doing moun-
tain vacation-school work. She is
again teaching Latin at the John
Marshall High School, Richmond, as
well as being actively interested in
the Roof -garden Playgrounds and
Camp-fire work in the slums. Nan
Powell declined an Associate Pro-
fessorship at the Virginia State
Normal School, Farmville, and is
now teaching English in the Sa-
vannah High School. Frances Mur-
rell is now Mrs. Everingham Rick-
191 1 — Josephine Murray is now
Mrs. John Whitman Joslin, Jr.
Alma Booth is still in Japan doing
missionary work.
1912 — Last year Nelle Keller taught
Latin and German at All Saints* Col-
lege, Vicksburg, Mississippi, and this
year she is working for her master's
degree at the University of Michi-
gan,— taking graduate work in Zool-
ogy and Latin. Frances Matson is
again teaching at the Fairmount
School, Monteagle, Tennessee. After
leaving college, Loulie Wilson taught
at St". Margaret's Hall, Boise, Idaho.
Last year she was head of the Latin
Department at the Winthrop Normal
College of South CaroHna, during a
year's leave of absence of the regu-
lar professor. This year she is teach-
ing at the Cathedral School, Or-
lando, Florida.
1913 — Elizabeth Franke took her
M.S. degree last year from the Uni-
versity of Louisville, majoring in
chemistry and physics. During the
summer of 1916 she made analyses
in analytical blood chemistry in a
chemistry laboratory in Louisville.
This year she is doing graduate work
in physiological chemistry and bac-
teriology at Columbia University.
Bessie Grammer is teaching history
and physical training at the Holman
School, Philadelphia. She is also
taking a course in physical training
at^ Temple University, Philadelphia,
this year. After leaving College
Ruth Houser taught French at
Lombard College, Galesburg, Illi-
nois. Last year she ran a tea-room,
called the " Peacock Inn " in mem-
ory of dear old " Cecil." Mary Pink-
ert'on is studying in the Department
of Romance Languages, Johns Hop-
kins University, doing graduate work
in French, Spanish and Italian. Mar-
garetha Ribble spent the summer in
the Adirondacks working in a tuber-
culosis sanitarium. This winter she
is continuing her study of medicine
at the Cornell University Medical
School. Mayo Thach was Dramatic
Counsellor at Camp Tohoma, New-
Hampshire, this summer. Mary Tyler
taught at Fargo College, N. D,, dur-
ing the years 1914-15 and 1915-16.
She was married to Mr. Edward H.
Cole June 2.2, 1916. Rebecca White
is in Baltimore collecting statistics
on infant mortality for the United
States Children's Bureau.
1914 — Elizabeth Green is teaching
this year in the Roanoke Public
Schools. Ellen Hayes is taking a
two years' course in hygiene and
physical education at Wellesley. Just
a bit of gossip on the side! In the
trials for the Dramatic Club's play
at Wellesley, "Jim" made the lead-
ing man's part. Vive la S. B. C. !
Ruth Maurice is continuing her study
in cHnical pathology and is also doing
graduate work at Columbia Univer-
sity. Laura Portmann is again work-
ing with the Associated Charities of
Cleveland. Katherine Wilson, ex-'i4,
is teaching English in the Westport
High School, Kansas City, Mo.
191 5— Harriet Evans is again teach-
ing in the Amherst High School.
Margaret Grant is studying for her
master's degree in Sociology and
Statistics at Columbia University.
Frances Pennypacker is in charge of
the laboratory of the Suburban Gen-
eral Hospital, Bellevue, Pa. Since
leaving Sweet Briar she took a sum-
mer course at the Marine Biological
Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., and
studied serology and clinical pathol-
ogy at the laboratory of the Phila-
delphia Polyclinic. Anne Schutte is
again research assistant to Professor
E. G. Conklin, head of the Depart-
ment of Biology, Princeton Univer-
sity. Louise Weisiger is again at
the John Marshall High School,
Richmond, teaching Latin. Margaret
Brooke, ex-'i5, is doing social work
at the College Settlement, Philadel-
phia. During July and August she
had charge of the Baby's Rest Yard,
an organization which is supported
by the Wellesley Club. Flora Howe,
ex-'i5, received her A.B. degree from
Northwestern University in 1915.
After graduating in the piano and
pipe-organ at the Cincinnati Con-
servatory of Music, Helen Nichol-
son, ex-' 1 5, took up concert work.
Lei Red, ex-'i5, took her A.B. de-
gree from the Rice Institute, Texas,
in 1916 and from a class of thirty-
five, was one of six to receive de-
grees with distinction. Eleanor Som-
merville, ex-'i5, was married to Mr.
Ra3miond Head Hatch, October 7,
1916. Dorothy Taylor, ex-'i5, will
be Nature Study counsellor at a
camp In Florida during January and
1916 — Margaret Banister is doing
graduate work at the University of
Louisville. Louise Bennett is mak-
ing her debut this winter. Zalinda
Brown is coaching the High School
basketball team in Camden, Arkan-
sas. Ellen Howison is teaching a
high school class in the Public Night
School in Staunton. Besides doing
social service work with the Well-
fare League, she is also helping in
the organization of a Y. W. C. A. in
Staunton. Rachel Forbush, ex-'i6,
after finishing a library course at
Western Reserve University in Cleve-
land, has been made head of the
South Branch Library, Oak Park.
Harriet Harrison, ex-'i6, is a senior
at the New Haven Normal School
for Physical Training. After leav-
ing Sweet Briar, Mary Lillias Johns
attended Missouri for two years and
last year took her A.B. degree at the
University of Michigan. She is now
teaching Latin and German in the
High School at St. Ignace, Michigan.
Marjorie Johnson, ex- 16, graduated
last June from the Art School in
Philadelphia, where she has been
studying painting and illustrating.
Dorothy Lydecker, ex-'i6, studied
music for a year after leaving Sweet
Briar at the Institute of Musical Art,
New York City. This year she is a
senior at Barnard College. Dorys
McConnell, ex-'i6, who had been
studying at Columbia University, was
forced to give up her work for a
time on account of serious illness,
but we are glad to learn that her
health is very much improved this
fall. Grace Minor, ex-'i6, who taught
kindergarten last year, is again tak-
ing it up this year. Annie White,
ex- 16, took her A.B. degree at Smith
College last spring. Edna Rigg was
married recently to Mr. A. T. Brown,
of State College, Pa.
1917 — The following bits of news
have been heard about ex-members
of '17. Edith Christie is President
of the Kimberley School Alumnae
Association. Nancy Munce was mar-
ried last summer to Mr. Herbert
Erskine Jones, of Oak Hill, West
Virginia. Marianna McKee is teach-
ing kindergarten in Hibbing, Minne-
sota. Eleanor Pinkerton will receive
her B.S. degree from the School of
Practical Arts, Teachers College,
New York City. She is majoring
in foods and cooking. Dorothy Pur-
cell is taking her second year at the
Sargent School for Physical Train-
ing. Last June she won the tennis
championship at Sargent. Barbara
Schreier is spending her second year
at the National Kindergarten Col-
lege, Chicago. Louise Sprague was
married to Mr. Julian Chesney
Brooks on October 14, 1916. She
will live in Newell, Iowa. After
leaving Sweet Briar, Jane Tyler at-
tended Fargo College for two years.
Serious eye trouble has interrupted
the work of her senior year.
1918 — What some of the ex-mem-
bers of '18 are doing. Priscilla Brown
is studying at the Sargent School of
Physical Training in Boston. Since
leaving Sweet Briar, Imogene Burch
has been studying journalism at the
University of Wisconsin. Amy El-
liott is studying at the University of
Michigan this year. Charlotte More
is taking a pre-medical course at
Syracuse University. Ruth Plain and
Elizabeth Wilson are juniors at Vas-
sar College. Ethel Tomb is now
Mrs. Paul S. Emerson,
Elizabeth Spahr is studying art at
the School of Fine Arts, New York
City. She is living at the College
Settlement where she is doing vol-
unteer work.
Eleanor Furman spent the summer
travelling as Field Secretary for the
Women's Suffrage League.
Antoinette Johnson is Assistant in
Mathematics at Miss Beard's School
in Orange, N. J.
Sarah Arnold is Supervisor of
Sewing in the Brockton Public
Ruth Schabacker studied vocal mu-
sic at the Louisville Conservatory,
Ky., during the winter of 1915-16.
Virginia Miller is a Sophomore at'
the University of Texas.
After leaving Sweet Briar, Ama-
zetta Northcott went to Miss Co-
pen's School, Northampton, Mass.
Marguerite Waite is studying do-
mestic science at the National School
of Domestic Arts and Sciences,
Washington, D. C. She is also study-
ing the violin under Anton Kaspar.
Since leaving Sweet Briar Mildred
Waite studied at the Institute of
Musical Art and took a course in
violin in the New York College of
Music under DeVaux Royer. Last
year she did concert work and this
year she is one of a trio of violin,
"cello and piano.
Last June Eugenia Hafner grad-
uated from the Normal Course of
Miss Church's Art School in Chi-
cago. ^ This year she is specializing
in design.
Margaret Lewis has had some in-
teresting experiences raising fancy
chickens. This year her flock of
o\er two hundred was very success-
ful. She has also been making
leather novelties for art-shops.
After leaving Sweet Briar Mar-
gery Cox studied music for two
years. She is now studying story-
telling with Mrs. Cronan of the
Boston Public Library and Museum
of Art and is working with munici-
pal and settlement classes.
Eppie Moss is Athletic Director at
Virginia College at Roanoke. She
is also doing active work there as a
member of the staff of the Y. W.
C. A.
Christine Brown is continuing her
study of interior decorating at the
School of Design in Detroit.
Esther Clark is teaching this win-
ter in Clendenin, West Virginia.
Rafaela Tennent is studying this
year at the University of Chicago.
Fanita Ferris attended the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin last year and this
year is going to Knox College.
Mary Osborne is now Mrs. Guy
Carlton Steeves.
Ella Wood was married this sum-
mer to Mr. Joseph Stanley Gibson.
Margaret Caldwell was married to
Mr. Benjamin Linton Dall, of River
Forest, 111.
Eva Wright is teaching in the Ex-
tension Department at Columbia
University. She studied the art of
telling stories to children.
Elisabeth Rickard is studying at
the School of Applied Music, New
York City. She is also operating
wireless under an amateur, license.
After studying for two years at
the National Kindergarten College,
Chicago, Mary Moore is teaching in
the Lake Geneva public schools in
Georgena Sellar is at DePauw Uni-
versity, Greencastle, Indiana.
Julia Jean Nelson is in New York
City doing social service work.
Pauline Staehlin has been taking
a business course at the Charleston
High School.
Agnes Hood took her A.B. degree
from Goucher College in 1916. She
was married to Mr. Herman Arthur
Gronemeyer on October 25, 1916.
Mrs. Katharine McDonald Pem-
ber is spending the winter in New
York at the National Arts Club.
The following engagements have
recently been announced: Eugenia
Euffington, '13, to Mr. Russell Wal-
cott, of Evanston; Charlotte Kile to
Mr. Williams Jenkins ; Adah Schafer
tc Mr. Leo Smith, of Houston;
Margaret Sauer to Mr. Allen Wal-
lace, of Oak Park; Sallie Watson to
Mr. Albert Robertson Tebo. Louise
Kimball's engagement has been an-
nounced recently.
Kathleen Hodge, Georgena Sellar,
Charlotte Kile and Kathleen Logan
gave a subscription dance in Paris
in September and cleared $75 for the
Endowment Fund.
The Executive Committee of the
Student Government Association for
1916-1917 is as follows: Virginia
Sandmeyer, President; Louise Case,
Vice-President ; Marianne Martin,
Secretary; Mary Bissell, Treasurer;
House-Presidents, Jane Henderson
(Carson), Janetta FitzHugh (Man-
son), Elizabeth Lowman (Gray).
Some of the plays given at College
last year were : " A Single Man " by
1916, "Mice and Men" by 1919,
"Prunella," "Green Stockings," pre-
sented by the Wizzards, the Acad-
emy Dramatic Association, and re-
vivals of "A Twig o' Thorn" and
" Cricket on the Hearth." The final
play was " As You Like It."
The Association of Alumnae and
Former Students presented "A Man
from Mexico" last commencement
under the direction of Ruth Maurice
The alumnae play has been a suc-
cess for the past few years and has
doubtless been estabhshed as an event
on the Fmals Program.
The Queen of the May for 1915-
1916 was Rebecca Stout. The May
Day Dance was omitted last year
and a pageant in the Dell was added
tc the usual May pole dances.
Our year I9i5-'i6 for the Young
Women s Christian Association really
began at the Blue Ridge Conference
held m June. There we gained an
inspiration that has carried us
through the year and communicated
Itself to the whole Association. We
learned that Sweet Briar was one of
eight colleges in the South Atlantic
^leld entitled to a member on the
Annual Member Committee of the
student Department. We elected our
member then and there and the As-
sociation recognized our election.
Ihis officer has done a great deal
toward keeping us in touch with
other associations because, on account
of our isolated location, we are a
little apt to forget that we are only
one out of a great many associa-
tions under the National Board.
Those of you old girls who used
to walk to the Indian Mission once
a week will be sorry to hear that on
account of change in schedule in col-
lege and continual bad weather our
visits to the Mission have been very
irregular. We have, however, fin-
ished a $400 Mission House for Miss
Bloxton and her sister so that their
living accommodations are a little bit
more comfortable than they had
Our foreign mission work still
consists in keeping a cot in a hos-
pital in China. We realize that there
is a great difference in our budget,
between the amounts given to home
and foreign missions, and hope to
remedy it in the next few years.
To tell of our year's work and not
mention Jubilee would be to omit
the most vital thing during the year.
We were unable to get an outside
speaker, but we, who had learned
something of Miss Grace Dodge,
tried to tell the others of this won-
derful woman and her remarkable
life. Our monetary contribution to
the Memorial Fund was small, but
we hope and believe that the knowl-
edge of what Miss Dodge was and
did will cause our Sweet Briar As-
sociation to put forth its best efforts
it-' living up to the aim of following
Jesus Christ. ^
Genie M. Steele, '17,
The Cabinet of the Y. W C A
for 1916-1917 is as follows: jane
Henderson President; Genie Steele,
Vice-President; Marianne Martin
pf ff^'?>'^ Louise Case, Treasurer;
Bertha Pfister Ch. Social Service
rZ''^Vr?\'''"' Ch- Extension
Com. ; Rachel Lloyd, Ch. Missionary
Com. : Vivienne Barkalow, Ch. So-
cial Com.; Eleanor Smith, Ch. Lib-
rary and Information Com. ; Cath-
erine Marshall, Ch. Conference
sWriom""_^^^^- ^^-^-
..?.Tf i^"^"" r^' w^" be inter-
ested to kno^v that the College now
holds three mter-collegiate records
which have been officially recognized
w1./''ti?''^ ^" f^ ^P^^^^"^ cata-
logue. The records are as follows :
^llen Hayes, 14; Running Broad
Jump 16 ft. 5 in., Ellen Hayes, '14;
Hurdles, 60 yd. -42 ft. 9.5 in., Ellen
Howison, '16.
The Sweet Briar College Shot-out
record held by Ruth Maurice, '14
at 28 ft II m., was broken by To-
sephine Reeves of the Academy at
30 It. 2 in. "^
Many alumnae have very probably
never heard of the Current Events
Club. The past year has seen the
firm establishment and success of
the Club. For years Miss Caroline
Sparrow has been working over and
planning such an organization, and
at last, through her tireless efforts
and Amy Elliott's executive ability,
" Current Events " is an accom-
pHshed fact. The Club is run en-
tirely by the students, who elect each
year a president, vice-president, sec-
retary and treasurer.
The aim of the organization is to
bring the Sweet Briar students in
touch with the events of the day, or,
in other words, contemporary his-
tory. Students give short talks at
the weekly meetings and outside lec-
turers occasionally address the Club.
The inter-class debates were set on
foot by " Current Events " in order
to further college and class spirit
and to cultivate the student's power
of public speaking. The Sophomore
class with Amy Elliott as captain of
the team won this year's champion-
Those who have the good of Sweet
Briar at heart will see in the success
of the Current Events Club that the
College is progressing in the right
Marianne R. Martin.
There are over two hundred and
fifty girls at Sweet Briar this year
and more than half this number is in
the College. The dormitories, chapel
and refectory are filled and as for the
Academic Building-it is simply
overflowing. But the greatest crowd-
ing IS in the Library. There Miss
Brown has so many books that she
can scarcely find room for the girls.
Shelves, holding about six thousand
volumes, hne all four walls and fill
one third of the room. Miss McVea
^as presented her private hbrary of
f.''^i!l''i?'^'^u^°°^' ^"^ ^s planning
to add five hundred more as a me-
morial. Another memorial library
ot one thousand volumes is promised
by a member of the Faculty. When
these new books arrive, where will
they be housed? Can't somebody in-
fluence a Carnegie to give Sweet
Briar a Library? A chapel is dread-
fully needed, too, and more than all
else the need of another Academic
Building IS acute. All this spells the
need of money and yet money is the "
easiest thing to get We already
have the spirit, ideals, traditions, stu-
dents and standards which go to
make the finest of colleges, and,
though a milhon dollars would make
just a fair beginning in supplying
the_ many things we need, it is far
easier to secure money than ideals,
bo pay your Association dues and
make whatever contribution you can
to the Endowment Fund, thereby
showing the true Sweet Briar spirit
and helping the cause.
You all remember the bazaars which
•Miss Carroll and Miss McLaws have
held for the Tea House since the be-
ginning of time. Well, this year they
have consented to let the Alumnae
and Former Students have a table of
fancy articles to be sold for the En-
dowment Fund. Of course, we de-
pend on you, every one of you, to
send the things we will sell. Any-
thing you v/ould give your friends
for Christmas will be most welcome,
but we would prefer several inex-
pensive articles to one expensive one ;
two selling for a dollar or less are
better than one at two dollars, as you
will readily realize when you re-
member your own flat purse just
before Christmas at Sweet Briar.
Please mark the price on each of
your articles and send by mail to
Marianne Martin, Sweet Briar, be-
fore November 27, as the Bazaar
takes place on December 4. This is
a splendid opportunity for every one
of us to help without importuning
our friends as we all hate to do.
Girls who are not connected with any
Chapter will find the Bazaar the
easiest method of helping the As-
sociation in an organized way. We
urge every old girl to send at least
one contribution and so make our
table a success.
N.B. A charge of ten cents* is still
made on all express packages at
Sweet Briar, so please remember to
send your package by parcels post.
The Editor-in-Chief of the Briar
Patch for 1916-1917 is Charlotte
Seaver and the Business Manager is
Vivienne Barkalow. Send subscrip-
tions ($3.50) and contributions for
the Annual to either of the above
Subscriptions to the Magazine may
be sent to the Business Manager,
Eleanor Smith. Isabel Wood is
Alumnae Editor and will be very
grateful for news of any kind from
either Chapters or individuals.
Try to send your contribution to
the Xmas Bazaar early. The date of
the Bazaar is December 4. Address
all packages to Marianne Martin,
Sweet Briar, and send by parcel post.
All Chapter Secretaries are re-
quested to send a complete list of the
names and addresses of their re-
spective Chapter members to Lelia
Dew, Wytheville, Virginia, and Sue
Slaughter, 547 Warren Crescent,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Chapter Treasurers will please send
a clear statement of all moneys for-
warded to the Association Treasurer,
Sue Slaughter, being especially care-
ful to specify the exact amounts in
case dues or pledges should be in-
cluded in the contributions. Chap-
ters are urged not to put off sending
in contributions until the end of the
year. The Association Treasury has
its money on interest and it is, there-
fore, important that funds should be
turned over to the central treasury
at once.
Girls who are not directly con-
nected with a Chapter can help in a
very real way by promptly paying
their annual dues and by sending to
the Xmas Bazaar at Sweet Briar,
December 4, as many fancy articles
as possible.
Will all those who receive this
Booklet kindly send a correction of
any mistakes noticed to Marian
Peele, Sweet Briar, at once? It is
almost impossible to keep up a cor-
rect list of names and addresses un-
less the Association members feel the
responsibility of doing their share.
This is the third year that the Book-
let has been published and if you
have not received the other copies
it was doubtless on account of an
incorrect address. If you know of
any old girl who has not received
this year's Booklet, kindly send her
name to Lelia Dew, Wytheville, Vir-
Loulie Antrim Mason, Ellen, Oc-
tober, 1914,
Margaret Baker Shedd, son, July,
Anna Barley Baldwin, Elizabeth
Hanson, February, 1915.
Kinney Bell Valz, Randolph M.,
October, 1914.
Annie Beall Pritchett, son.
Helen Beye Hamilton, Gurden
H., Jr., April, 1916.
Walker Bradford Bledsoe, son.
Mary Brooke Grant, daughter,
March, 1915.
Sarah Browne Dunbar, daughter,
September, 1915.
Flora Bryan Caldwell, George
Bryan, March, 1915.
Bessie Carothers Wayne, Eliza-
beth Carothers, January, 1915.
Marie Chamberlaine Thornell,
Marian Grain McDuell, daughter.
Annie Cummock Miller, Frances
Cummock, November, 1914.
Ruth Dowd Gross, Ruth Dowd,
June, 1915.
Marguerite Drew Groover, Mar-
guerite and Martha Elizabeth.
Helen Earle Lyda, E. R., Jr.,
1913; Edwin Earle, 1911.
Elkannah East Taylor, son, 1913.
Faye Elliott Pogue, Patricia,
April, 1914; John Crawford, Jr.,
October, 1915.
Lillian Foster Fargo, daughter,
August, 1915.
Hortense Gibbons Gilbert, son.
Ruth Gibson Venning, Wm. L.,
Jr., September, 1914.
Mary Grover Gregg, Charlotte
Ward, May, 1915-
Ruth Hancock Murrell, son.
Rosalind Heins Freund, son.
Eloise Hirst Couper, son, March,
Eva Hurt Simms, daughter.
Mary Jones Ramsey, Howard, Jr.,
July, 1913. ^ ^ .
Eleanor Kingsbury Root, Paul
Crawford, Jr., March 16, 1916.
Ina Larkins Edwards, Charles L.
Oliver, 1909; Percy, Jr., 1912.
Lillian Lloyd Thayer, Raymond,
Jr., November, 1913.
Lou Emma McWhorter Carroll,
Miriam, August, 1913.
Mary Louise McClintock Norton,
Nathan McClintock, 1915.
Helen Monash Hirsch, son.
Vivian Mossman Groves, Eileen,
April 28, 1916.
Lila Bess Olin Morgan, Julia;
Evel3m Owens Apple, Gwendo-
Hilda Perry Whitaker, Madison
Newton, September, 1915.
Liiima Pfeiffer Becker, son.
Kitty Quinby Castle, daughter.
Ida Ross LeBlanc, Jane Stewart,
April, 19 14.
Kathleen Sexton Spiller, Kath-
leen, 1913.
Marguerite Shaf er Witmer, Ches-
ter, Jr., June, 1915.
Virginia Shoop PhiUips, John,
Jr., June, 1915.
Mary Sprinkel Taylor, Ellen
Warren, September, 1915.
Mary Sutherland Baker, Rose-
mary, June, 1915.
Reba Stephenson Kelly, son, Au-
gust, 1914.
Alary Clifton Tabb George, Jane
Carey, July, 1915.
Margaret Thomas Patton, Ann
Elizabeth, 1913; Charlotte Holmes,
Carey Valentine Cutchine, Cary,
Ann Elise Van Bibber Reckard,
Elizabeth Ann, June, 1914.
Estelle Weslow Pallac, son.
Velma White Hostetter, Hor-
tense Vivian, November, 191 1.
Elsie Zaegel Thomas, Thomas H.
Please report promptly any changes
respecting yourself and others to
Marion Peele, Sweet Briar, Va.
* denotes death.
Abbott, Virginia, 2209 Sixteenth Ave-
nue, South, Birmingham, Ala.
Abraham, Faye, Southern Pines,
North Carolina.
Abraham, Mary, Southern Pines,
North Carolina.
Abrams, Marie, 614 West 157th St.,
Kanawah Court, New York City.
Adams, Dorothy, 35 Arlington Street,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Adams, Emma Lawson, 1837 Monu-
ment Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.
Adkins, Maria, 824 Park Ave., Rich-
mond, Va.
Alexander, Jeanne, 1004 Court St.,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Allen, Dorothy, 1616 Fourteenth
Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala-
Lucia Allen, Covington, Virginia.
*Allen, Mary, Houston, Texas.
Allen, Nina, 934 West Pike Street,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Allison, Mary Bertha, Riverview,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Altschuler, Frances, 242 Summit
Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey.
Ambuhl, Martina, Mrs. Eugene Bird
Martineau, 107 North Raymond
Street, Marinette, Wisconsin.
Anderson, Elizabeth, 310 Washing-
ton Street, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Anderson, Florence, St. Martins,
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Anderson, Hester, St. Martins, Chest-
nut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Antrim, Loulie, Mrs. John Mason,
Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg,
Archibald, Marie, 616 North Jeffer-
son Street, Carrollton, Alissouri.
Armistead, Velma, Mrs. James Lush
Alcorn Russell, 1557 Peabody Ave-
nue, Memphis, Tennessee.
Armstrong, Mary Martha, 300 Lex-
ington Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Armstrong, Katherine, 180 South
22d Street, Paris, Texas.
Arnold, Sarah Louise, Montello,
Atcheson, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ray B.
Plumer, Beaver, Pennsylvania.
Atkinson, Clara, care Prof. A. F.
Atkinson, Cornell University, Ith-
aca, New York.
Austin, Aileen, Mrs. Aileen Austin
Hayes, 317 Maverick Grove, San
Antonio, Texas.
Austin, Dorothy, 317 Maverick
Grove, San Antonio, Texas.
Avirett, Dunbar, Rose Hill, Cumber-
land, Maryland.
Babcock, Alice Guion, Box No. 320,
Columbia, South Carolina.
Babcock, Helen, Jefferson, Ohio.
Bacharach, Marion, 312 Twentieth
Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Bacon, Florence, Box No. 1367,
Boise, Idaho.
Bailey, Almeria, R. F. D. No. i,
Hampton, Virginia.
Baker, Clara Belle, 913 South Sixtti
Street, Springfield, Illinois.
Baker, Elizabeth, Tarboro, North
Baker, Helen, 303 Freemason Street,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Baker, Margaret, Mrs. Rudolf Shedd,
Wallis Apartment House, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Baldwin, Beatrix, Mrs. Leicester C.
Lewis, 115 Fulton Street, New
York City.
■ Ball, Ellen, Rio Vista, Virgmia.
Ball, Geraldine, 250 Hyde Park
Avenue, Tampa, Florida.
Balsley, Louise, Reidsville, North
Bancroft, Dorothy, 908 East High
Street, Springfield, Ohio.
Banks, Mildred, Heran Hernando,
Banister, Margaret (1916), The
Puritan, Louisville, Kentucky.
Banister, Edna, 12 Tazewell Ave-
nue, Roanoke, Virginia.
Barber, Mabel, 519 Cleveland Ave-
nue, Canton, Ohio.
Barber, Julia, 319 West io6th Street,
New York City.
Barber, Mary, 165 Broadway, New
York City.
Barbour, Florence, Maysville, Ken-
Barley, Anna, Mrs. William Frazier
Baldwin, 211 North Washington
Street, Alexandria, Virginia,
Barkalow, Vivienne, 1447 Gilpin St.,
Denver, Colorado.
Barnett, Ruth, 522 Harrison Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Barr, Jeanette, Mrs. Arthur L. Der-
by, 1622 Sixth Street, New Or-
leans, Louisiana.
Barret, Gwendolyn, Louisa, Va. ^.
Barrow, Lucile, Blackstone, Virginia.
Barry, Myrel, 344 Water Avenue,
Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Barton, Isabel Jane, 141 Warm
Springs Avenue, Boise, Idaho.
Battey, Alice, 318 East Gaston Street,
Savannah, Georgia.
Bauer, Marie, 1313 Fourth Avenue,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Baugher, Byrnina, 38 North Fulton
Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.
Baxter, Margaret, Oak Hall, Lima,
Baylor, Elizabeth, Lockhaven, Nor-
folk, Virginia.
Baylor, Rosalie, Lockhaven, Norfolk,
Bayly, Eva, 668 West Twenty-eighth
Street, Los Angeles, California.
Beach, Mary, 98 Macon St., Brook-
lyn, N. Y.
Beacom, Elizabeth, Greensburg, Pa.
Beadles, Louise, Greenbriar Apart-
ments, West'over Avenue, Norfolk,
Beahm, Louise, Port Carbon, Penn-
Beall, Annie, Mrs. Prickett, Mt. Ver-
non, N. Y.
Beavers, Jessie, 205 McGraw Avenue,
Grafton, West Virginia.
Becker, Josephine, 919 Hyde Park
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
Becket, Margaret, 94 Fourteenth
Street, Wheeling, W. Va.
Beeson, Helen, 169 South Eighteenth
St., Columbus, Ohio.
Bell, Anne Kinney, Mrs. Randolph
M. Valz, 2026 G Street, N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Bell, Margaret, 130 Kennedy Street,
Bradford, Pennsylvania.
Bell, Marie, Hill City, Tennessee.
Bell, Martha, 20 Jefferson Street,
Staunton, Virginia.
Bell, Minnie, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
*Bennett, Bertha. Mrs. Sutton, 505
West Charles Street, Muncie, Ind.
Bennett, Jessie Margaret, 421 Colfax
Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Bennett, Louise (1916), 1023 North
Delaware Street, Indianapolis, In-
Benson, Winifred, 401 West Sixth
Street, Austin, Texas.
Berggren, Linda, ii8 Prospect Street,
East Orange, New Jersey.
Bethel, Arlene D., Upland Road,
Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
Bertrand, Dorothy, Richmond, Texas.
Beveridge, Anna, 2500 Monument
Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.
Beville, Julia, Mrs. Jonathan Yerkes,
Ortega, Jacksonville, Florida.
Beye, Helen, Mrs. Gurdon H. Ham-
ilton, Linden Avenue, Oak Park,
Beyers, Gladys, 1017 Ridge Avenue,
Evanston, Illinois.
Bigelow, Alice, Easton, Maryland.
Bigger, Madeline, 11 18 West Ave-
nue, Richmond, Virginia.
Bilhuber, Gertrude, Ma3rwood, New
Bingham, Kathleen, Brevard, North
Bird, Dorothy, 127 Claremont Ave-
nue, Mount Vernon, New York.
Birkhoff, Gertrude, 5807 Harper Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois.
Birney, Eloise, Mrs. Warren Curry,
Monatee, Florida.
Bishop, Helen, 1303 North Street,
Logansport, Indiana.
Bissell, Mary, 1548 East 82d Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Blair, Jean Field, 2327- Monument
Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.
Blair, Nadine, Belton, Missouri.
Blakeley, Pearl, 78 Algonquin Road,
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
Blanks, Russe, 1333 Chambers Street,
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Block, Katherine D., s^ Arlington
Avenue, Caldwell, N, J.
Blount, Mollie, 314 North Baylen
Street, Pensacola, Florida.
Blue, Virginia, Wheeling, West Vir-
Board, Dorothy, 1937 Orrington Ave-
nue, Evanston, Illinois.
Bobb, Mildred, 1735 Palmer Avenue,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Bodley, Ellen Pearce, 509 West
Ormsby Avenue, Louisville, Ken-
Boettcher, Ruth, Schulenburg, Texas.
Boice, Delta, 61 Albany Avenue,
Kingston, New York.
Boice, Jennie May, 201 East Grace
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Boley, Margaret, Mrs. Walter SulH-
van, II Burnham Street, West
Somerville, Mass.
Bolinger, Elizabeth, Waco, Texas.
Bolton, Minnie, 100 North Fourth
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Bomann, Ruth, 1326 Evergreen Ave-
nue, Plainfield, New Jersey.
Boone, Frances, 19 Grove Street,
Winchester, Massachusetts.
Booth, Alma (1911), care Rt. Rev.
H. St. George Tucker, D.D.,
Kyoto, Japan.
Booth, Mathilde, 2A Beaconsfield
Apartments, Houston, Texas.
Booth, Mozelle, Mrs. Thos. W.
Archer, 2 A Beaconsfield Apart-
ments, Houston, Texas.
Bosson, Catherine, 4316 North Illi-
nois Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Bowers, Iloe, Kirklin, Indiana.
Bowie, Elizabeth, 1924 Avenue I,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Bowman, Beatrice, 104 Franklin
Avenue, Mount Vernon, New
Bowman, Lillian, 104 Franklin Ave-
nue, Mount Vernon, New York.
Bradfield, Emma, Mrs. Chas. A.
Bratton, Cherry St., Barnesville,
Bradford, Walker, Mrs. Thomas A.
Bledsoe, 210 Elizabeth St., Charles-
ton, West Virginia.
Brand, Shirley, Sweeney Apart-
ments, Kokomo, Indiana.
Brazelton, Alice, 1503 Austin Ave-
nue, Waco, Texas.
Brazill, Maude, Mrs. John H. Iden,
U. S. Naval Hospital, House No.
2, Annapolis, Maryland.
Bridgeforth, Bertha, Kenbridge, Vir-
Brockett, Helen, High Point, North
Broh, Evel3m, 830 Fifth Avenue,
Huntington, West Virginia.
Bronson, Lida, Ishpeming, Michigan.
Brooke, Margaret, Sandy Spring,
Maryland (1916-1917 at 433 Chris-
tian Street, Philadelphia, Pa.).
Brooke, Mary, Mrs. James B. Grant,
770 Pennsylvania Street, Denver,
Brooks, Clara May, 225 Crofton
Avenue, San Antonio, Texas.
Brothers, Dorothy, Mrs. Aden R.
Miller, 1235 Fourteenth Street, N.
W., Canton, Ohio.
Broughton, Mary, 253 Keystone Ave-
nue, River Forest, Illinois.
Broughton, Ruth, 253 Keystone Ave-
nue, Oak Park, Illinois.
Brown, Bessie, 304 Fourth Avenue,
Rome, Georgia.
Brown, Christine, 1056 Second Ave-
nue, Detroit, Michigan.
Brown, CorneHa Susan, iioi North
Delaware Street, Indianapolis, In-
Brown, Gladys, Portage la Prairie,
Manitoba, Canada.
Brown, Lucy Clay, 100 South Third
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Brown, Margaret, Euclid _ Apart-
ments, Berkeley, Cahfornia.
Brown, Mary Jane, Morral, Ohio.
Brown, Priscilla, 316 Oak Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio (1916-1917 at 13
Waterhouse Street, Cambridge,
Brown, Zalinda, Camden, Arkansas.
Browne, Helen, 2803 Ontario Road,
Washington, D. C.
Browne, Josephine, Mrs. Homer T.
Wilson, Jr., San Antonio, Texas.
Browne, Sarah, Mrs. Donald Dun-
bar, Dan D Ranch, R. F. D. 6,
Phoenix, Arizona.
Browne, Katharine, 2803 Ontario
Road, Washington, D. C.
Browning, Margaret, Mrs. Francis
Sydney Burt, 889 Overton Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Bryan,Anne, 315 West Beaver Street,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Bryan, Cora, 802 Dennis Avenue,
Houston, Texas.
Bryan, Flora, Mrs. Franklin M.
Caldwell, 920 South Tryon Street,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Bryan, Mary Shepard, 802 Dennis
Avenue, Houston, Texas.
Bryan, Meta, Mrs. Richard A. Graves,
Sparta, Georgia.
Buchanan, Harriet, Mrs. Benjamin
F. Tilley, Jr., U. S. Navy, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Buckley, Elliott, 31 16 Milam Street,
Houston, Texas.
Buell, Mary, Mrs. Clifton M. Carter,
Bay City, Texas.
Buffington, Eugenia (1913), 1140 For-
est Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
Bull, Helen, 402 North Grove Ave-
nue, Oak Park, Illinois.
Bullard, Daisy, 510 Grand Central
Avenue, Tampa, Florida.
Bullard, Rebekah, Summit Avenue,
Hackensack, New Jersey.
Burch, Imogene, 1729 James Avenue,
South Minneapolis, Minnesota
(1916-1917 at 613 N. Frances
Street, Madison, Wisconsin).
Burleson, Lucy, 1901 F Street, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Burleson, Sidney, 1901 F Street,
Washington, D. C
Burns, Catherine, 244 East Orange
Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Burns, Helena, 36 Hickory Street,
Hinsdale, Illinois.
Burns, Susan, 36 Hickory St., Hins-
dale, Illinois.
Burton, Loma, Arlington Heights,
Fort Worth, Texas.
Burton, Nenetta, Arlington Heights,
Forth Worth, Texas.
Burton, Olive, Arlington Heights,
Forth Worth, Texas.
Busey, Hester, 912 Floyd Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Byers, Florence, 428 East Shurman
Street, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Caddell, Lorayne, 95 South Main
Street, Paris, Texas.
Cadwell, Susan, Jefferson, Ohio.
Caldwell, Emma Lee, 1009 West
Sixth Street, Austin, Texas.
Caldwell, Margaret, Mrs. Benjamin
Linton Dall, 364 Bonnie Brae Ave-
nue, River Forest, Illinois.
Callan, Grace, Folts Homestead,
Ilion, New York.
Camp, Antoinette (1916), 401 High
Street, Franklin, Virginia.
Camp, Leta, Mrs. Ira F. Bennett,
Ocala, Florida.
Camp, Bertie, Brownwood, Texas.
Campbell, Addie, Amherst, Virginia.
Campbell, Marjorie, 419 West Mag-
nolia Avenue, San Antonio, Texas.
Campbell, Mary Louise, Amherst,
Cann, Florence, 114 West Gaston
Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Cansler, Sarah, 506 East Avenue,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Caperton, Caroline, 1424 Kanawha
Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Carney, Lucy, Churchland, Virginia.
Carothers, Bessie, Mrs. Roy C.
Whayne, 1915 Avery Court, Louis-
ville, Kentucky.
Carothers, Jane, 1632 Third Street,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Carpenter, Frances, Hotel Gramatan,
Bronxville, New York.
Carrington, Leila, Christine Avenue,
Anniston, Alabama.
Carrison, EHzabeth, Camden, South
Carroll, Clytie, 725 Park Street,
Beaumont, Texas.
Carroll, Clara, 1020 Court Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Carroll, Cornelia, Clarksdale, Mis-
Carroll, Grace, Mrs. Edwin H. Myer,
693 Irma Avenue, Beaumont, Tex.
Carter, Mary Louise, care H. C.
Carter, 119 Taylor Street, San An-
tonio, Texas.
Gary, Pattie, Highland Park, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Case, Helen, 157 Greenwood Avenue,
Trenton, New Jersey.
Case, Louise, 19 Lockwood Avenue,
East Cleveland, Ohio.
Casey, Louise, 5017 Gaston Avenue,
Dallas, Texas.
Cassells, Gladys, 701 Forty-fourth
Street, East Savannah, Georgia.
Catlett, Lucy, 309 Vine Street, Staun-
ton, Virgina.
Chamberlaine, Marie, Mrs. John Gray
Thornell, U. S. A.
Chapa, Isabel, 315 North Pecos
Street, San Antonio, Texas.
Chapin, Florence, 922 Floyd Avenue,
Richmond, Virginia.
Chapman, Martha, 415 Elmwood
Avenue, Buffalo, New York.
Chase, Helen, 241 West Main Street,
New Britain, Connecticut.
Chelf, Douglas H., Dunbarton, Va.
Cheney, Lucy, Mrs. J. R. Hudson,
652 Division Street, Defiance, Ohio.
Cheney, Alma, Mrs. William Church,
Wimsatt, 208 Eighth Street, S. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Chenoweth, Bess, Mrs. Thomas E.
Ludlam, Jr., 1417 N. Delaware
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Chittenden, Helen, 430 Woodside
Avenue, Ripon, Wisconsin.
Chope, Florence, Mrs. F. E. Good,
243 Elmhurst Avenue, Detroit,
Christie, Edith, •7^ Porter Place,
Montclair, New Jersey.
Clark, Esther, 113 Franklin Avenue,
Salem, Ohio.
Claiborne, Jane, New Glasgow, Vir-
Claiborne, Nannie, New Glasgow,
Clark, Mary, 1023 South Main
Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
Clark, Theodosia, 11 10 Michigan
Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
Clarke, Gertrude, 934 North Main
Street, Rockford, Illinois.
Clement, Milla, 210 Pleasant Ave.,
Sturgis, Michigan.
Clements, Grace, Mrs. George L.
Wilson, Fargo, North Dakota.
Cleland, Julie, Box No. 23, Lynch-
burg, Virginia, care E. A. Cle-
Cloud, Elizabeth, Hamlet, North
Clyde, Emma, Mrs. Hodge, 1515
Beachwood Boulevard, Pittsburgh,
Cobb, Margaret, Mrs. Robert M.
Perkins, U. S. A., Crystobel, C. Z.
Cobb, Mildred, Baltimore, Maryland.
Cobbs, Mary, Mrs. Wm. R. J. Dunn,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Cocke, Elizabeth, 206 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Coffin, Florence, 1834 Fourteenth
Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala-
Cofield, Elizabeth, 144 Gordon Street,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Cohen, Dorothea, Mrs. Eugene Ed-
ward Ball, 1 109 Walnut Street,
Kansas City, Missouri.
Cohen, Marjorie, 2146 Wyoming
Avenue, Washington, D. C.
Cole, Cora, Upper Alton, Illinois.
Cole, Olive, 1905 North Market
Street, Canton, Ohio.
Coleman, Margaret, care Hon. Phares
Coleman, 2310 Highland Avenue,
Montgomery, Alabama.
Coleman, Ruth, R. F. D, Amherst.
Collins, Cordelia, 2526 East First
Street, Duluth, Minnesota.
Cone, Vera, Madison, Georgia.
Connell, Virginia, 21 10 Kanawha
Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Cooke, Elizabeth, 16 Lawn Ridge
Road, Orange, New Jersey.
Cooke, Julia, Sheffield, Alabama.
Coolidge, Catherine M., 267 Post
Avenue, San Antonio, Texas.
Cooper, Sarah, 103 Campbell Street,
Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
Core, Ruth, Columbus Grove, Ohio.
Cornwall, Esther, Mrs. Gardner For-
dyce Gillespie, 505 North Eight-
eenth Street, Waco, Texas.
Cornwall, Isabel, Mrs. Douglas J.
Miller, Rye, New York.
Corry, Alice, Quincy, Florida.
Cotton, Virginia, 1414 Kanawha
Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Couper, Marjorie, Mrs. Chester H.
Prince, The Shirley, Redgate Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Covey, Katharine, 1414 East Grove
Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Cowan, Mary, Cowan Place, Vicks-
burg, Mississippi.
Cowgill, Kathleen, Easton, Maryland.
Cox, Margery, 283 Franklin Street,
Melrose Highlands, Massachusetts.
Crabbs, Mary Virginia, Crawfords-
ville, Indiana.
Craddock, Elise, 208 Madison Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Carin, Marian, Mrs. Ernest McDuell,
528 N. Fifty-sixth Street, Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania.
Cranford, Clyde, 859 Riverside Ave-
nue, Jacksonville, Florida.
Craven, Elizabeth, Mrs. Robert Wy-
man, Jamestown, Rhode Island.
Crawford, Helen, 1012 Tyler Street,
Topeka, Kansas.
Crawford, Maury, Milledgeville,
Crump, Louise, Chesterfield, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Crump, Henrietta, 1401 Hanover
Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.
Culberson, Eugenia, 2203 Travis
Street, Houston, Texas.
Cummins, Lois, 348 Maple Avenue,
Edgewood Park, Pittsburgh, Penn-
Cumnock, Annie (1910), Mrs. Jas.
Garland Miller, Gainsboro Apart-
ments, Roanoke, Va.
Cunningham, Jane, Amherst, Vir-
Curdts, Mildred, 911 Colonial Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Curtis, Esther, 475 Belleview Place,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Dabney, Eugenia, care S. B. Dabney,
Houston, Texas.
DaCamara, Marian, West Palm
Beach, Florida.
Dake, Mildred, Claremont, Cali-
Dale, Virginia, Belief onte, Pennsyl-
Dalton, Margaret, (£j West Fifth
Street, Winston-Salem, North Car-
Darden, Jessie, Suffolk, Virginia.
Darden, Martha, Suffolk, Virginia.
Darnell, Elizabeth, Mrs. Edmund J.
Snyder, 370 Woods Avenue, Roa-
noke, Virginia.
Darnell, Pauline, 1433 Union Ave-
nue, Memphis, Tennessee.
Davenport, Martha, 714 Fairview
Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Davenport, Ray, Fort Stockton,
Davidson, Agnes, 527 McCallie Ave-
nue, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Davidson, Mary, Ellensburg, Wash-
Davidson, Nellie, Mrs. Sidney T.
Thomas, 135 Peterboro, Detroit,
Davies, Margaret, 102 Third Street,
St. Elmo, Chattonooga, Tenn.
Davis, Annette, 11 Hill Park, Macon,
Davis, Elizabeth, 712 Twenty-first
Street, South, Birmingham, Ala-
Davis, Emma Louise, 612 Colonial
Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Davis, Fannie, 526 West Boulevard,
Richmond, Virginia.
Davis, Mackie, 306 Third Avenue,
North, Nashville, Tennessee.
Davis, Margaret, 912 Delaware Ave-
nue, Wilmington, Delaware.
Day, Dorothy, 1147 Broad Street,
Newark, New Jersey.
Dean, Frances, 4833 Dorchester Ave-
nue, Chicago, 111.
Dearborn, Marion, Amherst, Vir-
Dearborn, Nell, Mrs. Walter Reed,
Amherst, Virginia.
Denham, Sara, 109 Lomax Street,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Denman, Susanna, Mrs. Pleasant F.
Graves, 11 18 Ross Avenue, Hous-
ton, Texas.
Deutsch, Dorothy, 4936 Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
Deutsch, Sylvia, 4613 Payne Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Dew, Lelia, Wytheville, Virginia.
Dewey, Lucy, 2880 Broadway, New
York City.
Dexter, Grace, 1601 Canton Street,
Dallas, Texas.
Dick, Alice, 522 Linden Avenue, Oak
Park, Illinois.
Dickinson, Corinne, Rectory, Clifton
Forge, Virginia.
Dickson, Dorothy, 4 Booth Street,
Ashtabula, Ohio.
Diechmann, Hildegarde, 1261 Madi-
son Avenue, New York City.
Dight, Edith, 2109 East Superior
Street, Duluth, Minnesota.
Dillard, Dean, 2030 Highland Ave-
nue, Birmingham, Alabama.
Dils, Mary, 963 Market Street, Park-
ersburg. West Virgina.
Dishman, Dorothy, Henderson, Ken-
Dittenhaver, Esther, 2479 Scottwood
Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
DIttenhaver, Helen, 2479 Scottwood
Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
Dixon, Helen, Mrs. Stephen Harri-
son MacGregor, U. S. A., 201 East
Hall Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Dixon, Jessie, 201 East Hall Street,
Savannah, Georgia.
Doherty, Kathleen, 220 Marshall
Street, Houston, Texas.
Doremus, Cornelia, 47 North Fuller-
ton Avenue, Montclair, New Jer-
Douglass, Frances, 304 West Nine-
teenth Street, Austin, Texas.
Dowd, Ruth, Mrs. Albert Sidney
Goss, Great Falls, South Carolina.
Dowden, Florence, 405 First Street,
Fairmont, West Virginia.
Downer, Julia, 400 Bute Street, Nor-
folk, Virginia.
Downing, Marie, Middleport, Ohio.
Doyle, Florence, 321 Lake Avenue,
Rochester, New York.
Dressier, Margaret, Mrs. Hans Wie-
del, Berlin, Germany.
Drew, Marguerite, Mrs. R. Overton
Groover, 171 1 River Boulevard,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Drew, Ruth, 933 Riverside Avenue,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Driver, Erna, 381 Convent Avenue,
New York City.
Driver, lone, 1734 Central Avenue,
Memphis, Tennessee.
Duke, Helen, 546 Park Street, Char-
lottesville, Virginia.
Dukes, Alice, care Maurice J. Dukes,
Glenside, Pennsylvania.
Dunham, Marie Louise, 314 Carpen-
ter Lane, Germantown, Pennsyl-
DuShane, Marjorie, 1863 Iglehart
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Button, Elva, 3034 North Pennsyl-
vania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Duvall, Margaret, 221 1 North Charles
Street, Baltimore, Maryland.
*Diinn, Lanier, Hot Springs, Vir-
Dycus, Avon, Mrs. J. H. Armstrong,
Jr., Lubbock, Texas.
Eaglesfield, Carina, 3319 North Me-
ridian Street, Indianapolis, In-
Eaglesfield, Dorothea, 3319 North
Meridian Street, Indianapolis, In-
Eaglesfield, Margaret, 3319 North
Meridian Street, Indianapolis, In-
Eaglesfield, Virginia, 3319 North
Meridian Street, Indianapolis, In-
Earle, Helen, Mrs. E. R. Lyda, 1216
Westlake Avenue, Los Angeles,
Early, Henrianne, R. F. D. No. 4,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Earnest, Frances, Dallas, Texas.
Earnest, Mamie Ray, 900 West I7t'h
Street, Austin, Texas.
Easley, Martha, 159 Giles Street,
Bluefield, West Virginia.
East, Elkanah, Mrs. Edward Jordan
Taylor, Driver, Virginia.
Eberle, Eleanor, 518 Columbus Ave-
nue, Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Eckart, Margaret, 720 Ontario Street,
Oak Park, Illinois.
Effinger, Frances, The Grafton,
Washington, D. C.
Effinger, Katherine, The Grafton,
Washington, D. C.
Eggleston, Elizabeth, Black sburg,
Eikelman, Nellie, 345 Sixth Street,
San Bernardino, California.
Eikenberry, Lorine, Greenville, Ohio.
Eilert, Marie Arlyn, 2339 Cleveland
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Eisendrath, Alma, 4339 Grand Boule-
vard, Chicago, Illinois.
Eisendrath, Gertrude, 4339 Grand
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
ElHngton, Virginia, 181 7 Monument
Avenue, Richmond, Va.
Elliott, Amy, 2057 North New Jersey
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Elliott, Faye, Mrs. John C. Pogue,
Dexter Avenue, East Walnut Hills,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Elmendorf, Erna, 11 19 South Alamo
Street, San Antonio, Texas.
Ely, Mildred, Mrs. W. H. Gibson
Bradford, 416 North Chestnut
Street, Barnesville, Ohio.
Ely, Virginia, 520 Chestnut Street,
Barnesville, Ohio.
Embrey, Anne Elizabeth, Fredericks-
burg, Virginia.
Emmert, Virginia, Martinsburg, West
Engelhard, Margaret, 1521 Hinman
Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
England, Mildred, Whittier, Cali-
Erck, Clare (1915). 251 South Thir-
teenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ervin, Addie, Richmond Hotel, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Ervin, Mary, Mrs. Raymond Massey,
Richmond Hotel, Richmond, Vir-
Etheridge, Virginia, Mrs. Arthur
Hitch, 811 Colonial Avenue, Nor-
folk, Virginia.
Eubank, Helen, 810 First National
Bank, Birmingham, Alabama.
Evans, Harriet (1915), Amherst, Vir-
Evans, Sara Seidel, 6940 Torresdale
Avenue, Tacony. Philadelphia, Pa.
Everett, Hallie, Guyandotte, West
Ewing, Esther, 2009 Carondelet
Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ezzell, Sophia, Newsom Station, Ten-
Farrar, Ellen, 3100 Smith Street,
Houston, Texas.
Farrar, Helen, 857 President Street,
Brooklyn, New York.
Farris, Marcelit'e, Mrs. Frank Grls-
wold Barry, 330 West io8th Street,
New York City.
Farthing, Carrie Belle, 2614 Chartres
Street, Houston, Texas.
Faust, Marian, Merion, Pennsylvania.
Faucus, Anna, Merion, Pennsylvania,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fearrington, Faith, 511 Holly Ave-
nue, Winston-Salem, North Caro-
Feder, Rosalie, 2234 Fifty-fifth Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Fehr, Clarissa, Anoatok, Cherokee
Drive, Louisville, Kentucky.
Ferris, Fanita, 222 North Academy
Street, Galesburg, Illinois.
Finley, Dorcas, 515 East Miller
Street, Springfield, Illinois.
Finney. Dorothy. Westbrook Hotel,
Forth Worth, Texas.
Fisher, Dorothy, 2236 Bellaire Ave-
nue, Denver, Colorado.
Fisher, Florence, Mrs. Herbert S.
Selig, 2014 N. Illinois Street; In-
dianapolis, Indiana.
FitzHugh. Janetta. University of Vir-
ginia, Charlottesville. Virginia.
Fletcher, Helen, 16 Euclid Avenue,
Sharon, Pennsylvania.
Forbush. Edith. 525 Forest Avenue,
Oak Park, Illinois.
Forbush. Rachel, 525 Forest Avenue,
Oak Park, Illinois.
Ford, Agnes. Fairfax. Virginia.
Fordtran, Mary Pauline, 505 Belk-
nap Place. San Antonio. Texas.
Fore, Cornie, 707 North College
Street, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Foster, Annie, 211 London Street',
Portsmouth, Virginia.
Foster. • Josephine, 1313 Niazuma
Street, Birmingham, Alabama.
Foster, Lillian, Mrs. Frank Miller
Fargo, Jr., 1220 Hinman Avenue,
Evanston, Illinois.
*Foster, May, 174 Prospect Street,
Ridgewood, New Jersey.
Franke, Elizabeth (1913), Box 47,
Anchorage, Kentucky (1916-1917
at 527 West 121 St Street, New
York City).
Freear, Anne, 1308 Austin Avenue,
Wichita Falls, Texas.
Freeman, Florence, 233 Summit Ave-
nue, Mt. Vernon, New York.
Freiberg, Caroline, 3516 Alaska Ave-
nue, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio.
French, Marjorie, Mrs. Chas. Leroy
Nevens, Barneveld, New York.
Fretwell, Ruth, Anderson, South
Friedman, Julie, 951 Hyde Park
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
Fry, Helen, 418 West Hortter Street,
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa,
Fuller, Lillian, orj Summit Place, St.
Louis, Missouri,
Fulton, Tot. Wise, Virginia.
Furman, Eleanor, 121 Academy
Street, Greenville, South Carolina.
Gage, Florence Elizabeth, 318 North
State Street, Painesville. Ohio.
Gale, Mary, 1418 Twenty-first Street,
N. W., Washington, D, C
Garland, Lucie Ellis, Amherst, Vir-
Garrett', Annie, 1903 McGowan Ave-
nue, Houston, Texas.
Garrett, Carra, Williamsburg, Vir-
Garth, Maria, Mrs. Francis M. Inge,
Montgomery, Alabama.
Gates, Mary, 36 G Street, Johnstown,
Gay, Katharine, 402 North Shamokin
Street, Shamokin, Pennsylvania.
Gayle, Lucie, Third and Garrard
Streets, Covington, Kentucky.
Geddy, Anne Gary, Toano, Virginia.
Gholson, Christine, Hopkinsville,
Gibbon, Corinne, 705 South Tryon
Street, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Gibbons, Hortense, Mrs. Harvey W.
Gilbert, 495 Seventh Street, Beau-
mont, Texas.
Gibbs, Edith, Howell Terrace, Los
Angeles, California.
Gibson, Elise, 16 Eleventh Street
Parkersburg, West Virginia.
Gibson, Margaret, 113 Franklin Ave-
nue, Mount Vernon, New York.
Gibson, Ruth, Mrs. Wm. L. Venning,
53 Adams Street, Mount Vernon,
New York.
Gill, Brice, 267 West 72d Street, New
York City.
Gilliland, Gladys, Van Wert, Ohio.
Gilmore, Delia May, 2126 Lincoln
Park West, Chicago, Illinois.
Gilmore, Rosanne, 168 Lexington
Avenue, Dayton, Ohio.
Glass, Louise, 2030 Quinlan Avenue,
South, Birmingham, Alabama.
Goldsmith, Winifred, 27 West 49th
Street, New York City.
Goodall, Gillian, Glen Iris Park, Bir- i
mingham, Alabama.
Grammer, Bessie (1913), 1024 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grammer, Dorothy, 1024 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grammer, Mary Page, 1024 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Grant, Margaret (i9i5),63 East Col-
lege Street, Oberlin, Ohio.
Graves, Geraldine, Cuero, Texas.
Graves, Juliet, University of Vir-
ginia, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Gray, Douglas, Mrs. Richard B. Ty-
ler, Lawrenceville, Virginia.
Green, Elizabeth (1914), Charles
Town, West Virginia.
Green, Janet, Danville, Virginia.
Green, Margaret, 1504^ East Third
Street, Duluth, Minn.
Gregg, Cora, Mrs. Robert Randolph
Meyer, Jacksonville, Florida.
Gregg, Rachel, 330 Prospect Avenue,
Hackensack, New Jersey.
Gregory, Jane, 1532 Sixteenth Street,
Washington, D. C.
Gregory, Ethel, Ocean View, Vir-
Griffin, Eugenia (1910), Salem, Vir-
ginia (1916-1917 at 705 Grace
Street, Richmond, Virginia).
Griffin, Claudine, Salem, Virginia.
Gristock, Dorothy, Collegeville, Penn-
Groover, Mary, Mrs. Fitzhugh Ward
Gregg, 940 Park Street, Jackson-
ville, Florida.
Grove, Florence, 311 Jefferson Street,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Gross, Effie, 1103 Thirty-third Street,
Galveston, Texas.
Groves, Katharine, 573 Grove Street,
Glencoe, Illinois.
Grubbs, Hazel, Mount Sterling, Ken-
Guenther, Amanda, 250 Washington
Street, San Antonio, Texas.
Guggenheimer, Cilia, 313 Washing-
ton Street, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Guggenheimer, Daisy, 313 Washing-
ton Street, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Guilberf, Julia R. Ashland, Virginia.
Gunther, Leona, 821 Wisconsin Ave-
nue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Guthrie, Helen Mar, 809 Charleston
Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois.
Gwathmey, Carolyn, Mrs. Lyal
Ament Davidson, U. S. Navy, 543
Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Vir-
Gwathmey, Mary P. L., 543 Warren
Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia.
Gwathmey, Mary Tayloe, 219 Russell
Street, Nashville, Tennessee.
Gwynn, Stella, 1102 Main Street,
Danville, Virginia.
Haddock, Margaret, Mrs. Raymond
Etheridge Watson, 201 West Con-
cord Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Hafner, Eugenia, 409 Chicago Ave-
nue, Oak Park, Illinois.
Hail, Elizabeth, 2014 West End Ave-
nue, Nashville, Tennessee.
Haile, Evelyn, 6ii East Quincy
Street, San Antonio, Texas.
Halback, Florence, 1225 Main Street,
Quincy, Illinois.
Hale, Mildred, 22 Trumbull Street,
New Haven, Connecticut.
Hall, Catherine, 1735 Chicago Ave-
nue, Evanston, Illinois.
Hall, Mary Beverly, 1807 Houston
Street, Laredo, Texas.
Hammond, Louise, Covington, Vir-
Hammond, Mattie D., Covington,
Hampton, Corinne, Mrs. Henry Pe-
ronneau Brown, Evington, Bed-
ford County, Virginia.
Hanckel, Florence, 828 M. D. Wood-
ruff Place, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Hancock, Ruth, Mrs. R. W. W. Mur-
rell, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Hanna, Isabelle, 137 Mill Street, Cam-
bridge, Maryland.
Hanna, Nancy P., 3007 Q Street, N.
W., Washington, D. C.
Hardie, Sue, Mrs. William Thomas
Bell, Greenville, South Carolina.
Hargraves, Grace L., 94 Broad Street,
Newark, New Jersey.
Harper, Edith, Pennington Road,
Trenton, New Jersey.
Harris, Jean, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Harris, Mildred, 200 Waverly Way,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Harrison, Alma, Flatonia, Texas.
Harrison, Dorothy, 740 Clinton Ave-
nue, Newark, New Jersey.
Harrison, Fannie, Mrs. Frederick B.
Webster, Amherst, Virginia.
Harrison, Harriet, 1625 East First
Street, Duluth, Minnesota.
Harrison, Norine, 517 Franklin
Street, Clarksville, Tennessee.
Harrison, Rosalie, Amherst, Virginia.
Hart, Alice, New Britain, Connec-
Harvey, Ruth, Mrs. Halsey Keeling,
Hatch, Virginia, 11039 Belleflower
Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Hatton, Mary Watts, 421 North
Street, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Haviland, Elizabeth, 301 East Chilli-
cothe Avenue, Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Haviland, Lavinia, 1801 Irving Ave-
nue, South, Minneapolis, Minne-
Hawkins, Annie, Mrs. William Lud-
well Lee, 217 North Craig Street,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hawkins, Gabrielle, Mrs. H. M. Her-
bener, Thomasville, Georgia.
Hawkins, Jency, Fayetteville, West
Hawley, Nathalie, 65 Fort Washing-
ton Avenue, New York City.
Hayes, Ellen (1914), Belief onte,
Pennsylvania (1916-1917 at 6 Cross
Street, Wellesley, Massachusetts).
Haynes, Annie Laurie, Mrs. Geo. E.
Roulette, 433 Potomac Avenue,
Hagerstown, Maryland.
Haynie, Ellen, Hillsboro, Ohio.
Hays, Ruth, 558 Bradford Avenue,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Heald, Alice Marion, 105 Jenkins
Street, Providence, Rhode Island.
Heaton, Jessie, 1264 Willow Avenue,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Hefley, Marie, 528 Henderson Street,
Forth Worth, Texas.
Heggie, Lucile, 610 Georgia Avenue,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Heims, Rosalind, Mrs. Edward Fre-
und, 4049 Lake Avenue, Chicago,
Hempstead, Adelaide, Mrs. Kenneth
M. Hess, 917 Putnam Avenue,
Plainfield, New Jersey.
Hempsfone, Ida Lee, Mrs. C. Clifford
C. Cleborne, Leesburg, Virginia.
Henderson, Frances, Bellevue, Vir-
Henderson, Jane, Bellevue, Virginia.
Henry, Aylette, Tazewell, Virginia.
Henry, Beatrice, Del Rio, Texas.
Hensel, Alberta, Haverford, Penn-
Hensel, Edwina, Haverford, Penn-
Herd, Mary, Mrs. Ferdinand Moore,
Fort Worth, Texas.
Hertz, Mabel, 405 West Green Street,
Hazleton, Pennsylvania.
Heurtley, Katharine, 418 Forest Ave-
nue, Oak Park, Illinois.
Hibberd, Helen, Mrs. Carroll Wm.
Reed, Lyon Apartments, Clarks-
burg, West Virginia.
Hicks, Alleine B., 187 College Street,
Oxford, North Carolina.
Hicks, Marion, 176 South Street,
Talladega, Alabama.
Hill, Marian, 620 Augusta Street,
San Antonio, Texas.
Hill, Virginia, 11 15 East Tenth
Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Hiltebrant, Mildred, 99 Wurts Street,
Kingston, New York.
Hilton, Dorothy, Sylvania, Georgia.
Hilton, Louise, Sylvania, Georgia.
Hinds, lone, Mrs. Otis Benton Dur-
bin, 3422 Holmes Street, Kansas
City, Missouri.
Hines, Anne Louise, Petersburg,
Hines, Martha, Mrs. D. L. Dixon,
Kinston, North Carolina.
Hirst, Eloise, Mrs. William Couper,
168 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City,
New Jersey.
Hobbs, Helen, 11 16 Westover Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Hobson, Pattie, Mrs. R. D. Eagles-
field, 3455 Salem Street, Indian-
apolis, Indiana.
*Hodge, Dorothy, 219 West Madison
Street, Paris, Illinois.
Hodge, Kathleen, 219 West Madison
Street, Paris, Illinois.
Hodges, Hortense, 28 Court Street,
Portsmouth, Virginia.
Hogans, Clara D., 406 North Elm-
wood Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois.
Hogg, Alice, 1082 Shady Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hogg, Mary Caroline, 1082 Shady
Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Holihan, Edna, 9 Park Place, Pel-
ham, New York.
Holmes, Elizabeth, Hernando, Mis-
Holmes, Louise, 858 Second Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan. j
Hood, Agnes, Mrs, Herbert Arthur
Gronemeyer, 528 West Main Street,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Hooper, Louise (1910), 4 Stuart^
Hall Apartments, Richmond, Vir-
Hopper, Elizabeth, 904 Government
Street, Mobile, Alabama.
Hopwood, Eleanor, Nassau Street,
Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
Horner, Eva (1913), Shoenberger
Hall, Asheville, North Carolina.
Hornor, Corneha, San . Antonio,
Horseley, Perkins, Lynchburg, Vir-
Houser, Ruth (1913), Wabash, In-
Hover, Anne, 1227 East Colfax Ave-
nue, Denver, Colorado.
Hover, Harriet, 1227 East Colfax a
Avenue, Denver, Colorado. 1
Howe, Flora, Miles City, Montana. ^
Howell, Ruth, Boonton, New Jersey.
Howison, Ellen (1916), East Main
Street, Staunton, Virginia.
Hudson, Elizabeth, 615 North Jeffer-
son Street, Carrollton, Missouri.
Huff, Julia, Mrs. Henry Bedford, 569
St Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn, New
Hulburd, Ruth, 1859 East Eighty-
seventh Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Hull, Elizabeth, 617 Olny Road, Nor-
folk, Virginia.
Humes, Cyrilla, Blacherne Apart-
ment, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Humphries, Ferol, 15 West Eleventh
Street, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hunt, Margaret, 13 Bluff View, Chat-
tanooga, Tennessee.
Huntley, Floy, Covington, Virginia.
Hurt, Eva, Mrs. Arthur B. Simms,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Hurt, Jennie (1911), Mrs. W. R.
Turner, Blackstone, Virginia.
Hurt, Louise, Blackstone, Virginia.
Hutter, Claudine, 15 17 Jackson Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Hyslop, Edith, 508 Graydon Avenue,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Ilfrey, Lola, 601 Stewart Avenue,
Houston, Texas.
Jackson, Bessie, 11 13 Grove Avenue,
Richmond, Virginia.
Jackson, Ruth, 615 Tennessee Street,
Lawrence, Kansas.
Jalonick, Helen, 1208 Broad Street,
Wichita Falls, Texas.
Jamison, Ethel, Mrs. Max Kelly,
Roanoke, Virginia.
Johns, Mary Lillias, Charleston, Mis-
souri (1916-1917 at Saint Ignace,
Johns, Mary Wharton, 2501 Whitis
Avenue, Austin, Texas.
Johnson, Antoinette, 38 Washington
Terrace, East Orange, New Jersey.
Johnson, Doris, 2875 Montana Ave-
nue, Westwood, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Johnson, Josephine, Ninth and Wal-
nut Streets, Gadsden, Alabama.
Johnson, Margaret, Warrensburg,
Johnson, Mar jorie, 447 North Church
Street, West Chester, Pennsyl-
Johnson, Mary, The Chesterfield,^
Richmond, Virginia.
Johnson, Mrs. Roxy, Coffeyville,
Johnson, Ruth, San Marcos, Texas.
Johnston, Helen, 407 East Grace
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Johnston, Jessie, Tyrone, Pennsyl-
Johnston, Nicketti, 407 East Grace
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Jones, Agnes, Mrs. Elliott Hunter
Muse, The Babbage, Atlanta,
Jones, Dorris, Suffolk, Virginia.
Jones, Edna H., 742 Jefferson Ave-
nue, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Jones, Geraldine, Gainesville, Texas.
Jones, Gertrude, 112 Jones Street,
West, Savannah, Georgia.
Jones, Lena, 406 Fannin Street,
Shreveport, Louisiana.
Jones, Louise, 1901 Third Avenue,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Jones, Lucile, 74i South Union Ave-
nue, Los Angeles, California,
Jones, Marie, Mrs. Lisle Hazlegrove,
528 North Boulevard, Richmond,
Jones, Marion, 741 Union Avenue,
Los Angeles, CaHfornia.
Jones, Martha, Elberton, Georgia.
Jones, Martha Ellen, 398 West Wal-
nut Street, Frankfort, Indiana.
Jones, Martha Wharton, 729 Vance
Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee.
Jones, Mary Allgood, Box No. 1708,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Jones, Mary, Mrs. Howard E. Ram-
sey, 1858 Felix Avenue, Memphis,
Jones, Miriam Lee, 410 Broad Street,
Albany, Georgia.
Jones, Virginia, 1131 West Franklm
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Jordan, Sarah, 562 East Street, Mem-
phis, Tennessee.
Judge, Mary Eleanor, Mansfield,
Kash, Feme, Mrs. Leslie C. LaFou,
Waiteville, West Virginia.
Kaufman, Margaret, 1151 Bryden
Road, Columbus, Ohio.
Kautz, Kathryn, 718 West Mulberry
Street, Kokomo, Indiana.
Keith, Hannah, Fairfax, Virginia.
Keith, Anne, Fairfax, Virginia.
Keith, Sarah, 1214 Broadway, Beau-
mont, Texas.
Keithly, Florence, 2104 Smith Street,
Houston, Texas.
Kell, Bess, 900 Bluff Street, Wichita
Falls, Texas.
Keller, Esther (191 0,707 East Wash-
ington Street, Muncie, Indiana.
Keller, Nelle (1912), 707 East Wash-
ington Street, Muncie, Indiana.
Kelly, Cecelia, Box 116, Lewes, Dela-
Kemerer, Hildred, 236 Avenue Road,
Toronto, Canada.
Kemp, Katherine P., 211 West 139th
Street, New York City.
Kemper, Katherine P., Henderson-
ville, North Carolina.
Kenney, Frances L., 275 Park Place,
Decatur, Illinois.
Kersey, Emily, 425 West Howard
Street, Muncie, Indiana.
Ketring, Isabel, Greenville, Ohio.
Key, Bess, 606 Rio Grande Street,
Austin, Texas.
Kile, Charlotte, 310 West Chestnut
Street, Paris, Illinois.
Kimball, Louise, 5309 Westminster
Place, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kincheloe, Thelma, Tampico, Tampo,
King, Ella, 1910 St. Johns Avenue,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Kingsbury, Eleanor, Mrs. Paul C.
Root, 1936 East 86th Street, Cleve-
land, Ohio.
Kinsolving, Vitula, 221 Birchwood
Street, Louisville, Kentucky.
Kintzing, Gertrude, 400 York Street,
Hanover, Pennsylvania.
Kincaid, Betty, Mrs. James Coe Van
de Carr, U. S. Navy.
Kirk, Katharine, 305 Highland Ave-
nue, Newcastle, Pennsylvania,
Kirker, Juliette, Ripley, Ohio.
Kisfler, Mary Lou, 1230 Washington
Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo-
Klausmann, Berthelda, 835 N. New
Jersey Street, Indianapolis, In-
Klein, Cecile, Mrs. Harold Deutsch,
1 35 1 East Boulevard, Cleveland,
Klein, Marie, 11 19 Hickory Street,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Knapp, Grace, Westminster, Mary-
Knapp, Roberta, 713 Ashland Ave-
nue, Rockford, Illinois.
Knight, Shirley, Mrs. Sam Crawford,
Jr., 108 West Both Street, New
York City.
Knox, Byrd, 2204 Louisiana Street,
Houston, Texas.
Kohn, Marjorie, 2033 East 90th
Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Koon, Eleanor, 116 Main Street,
Houlton, Maine.
Koser, Margaret, Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Lure, Virginia City, Montana.
Krause, Emma, Mrs. K. Serini, Hag-
enau, Alsace, Germany.
Krause, Winifred, 144 Harmon Ave-
nue, Pelham, New York.
Krieg, Constance, 1916 Colfax Ave-
nue, MinneapoHs, Minnesota.
Kruse, Adele, 8145 Madison Road,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Kunkle, Katharine, Mrs. Paul H.
George, 6oi North Main Street,
Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Kunkle, Margaret, Chestnut Hill,
Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Kuykendall, Alva, Cherokee, San
Saba Co., Texas.
Kuykendall, Frances, Cherokee, San
Saba Co., Texas.
Kyle, Ruth, Snowden, Virginia.
Laird, Mary, 2410 Seventh Street,
Wilmington, Delaware.
Lamar, Nellie, North Augusta, South
Lamfrom, Helen (1913), North Bal-
timore, Ohio.
Landers, Ruth, 64 Groveland Ter-
race, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Landis, Suzanne, 5702 Blackstone
Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Lane, Hazel, 238 Grove Street, Chi-
copee Falls, Massachusetts.
Lanier, Katherine, Mrs. Gaither
Leonard Jones, Crosby Hotel,
Beaumont, Texas.
Lantz, Lucy, Mrs. Harry deL. Mc-
Kinlay, Englewood, New Jersey.
Larkins, Ina, Mrs. Percy Edwards,
1701 South Boulder Avenue, Tulsa,
Lassiter, Lelia, 32 South Market
Street, Petersburg, Virginia.
Lawrence, Barbara, 25 Ithaca Street,
Waverly, New York.
Lazenby, Virginia, 1525 Morrow
Street, Waco, Texas.
Lea, Elizabeth, 229 Chestnut Ave-
nue, Trenton, New Jersey.
Leachman, Constance, Altamont Cir-
cle, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Leake, Beverly, 1014 South Twenty-
eighth Street, Birmingham, Ala-
Leitch, Virginia, 1202 Lee Street,
Charleston, West Virginia.
LeHardy, Julia, 117 East Thirty-
fourth Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Lemley, Alice, Upperville, Virginia.
Lemon, Avazo, Roanoke, Virginia.
Lewis, Claudia, Morehead Hill, Dur-
ham, North Carolina.
Lewis, Flora, 180 Humboldt Street,
Denver, Colorado.
Lewis, Frances, 157 West Hickory
Street, Denton, Texas.
Lewis, Margaret, Lewiston Orchards,
Lewist'on, Idaho.
Lewis, Marguerite, 221 1 Fourteenth
Avenue, South, Birmingham, Ala-
Lieber, Edith, Mrs. Kurt Vennegut,
30th Street and Princeton Place,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lieber, Marie, 430 North Alabama
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lilly, Mildred Gladys, 431 Fifth Ave-
nue, Huntington, West Virginia.
Lindsay, Delia, 320 East Huntington
Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Link, Helen La Foe, 2217 Broadway,
IndianapoHs, Indiana.
Lippincott, Joan B., 316 Lincoln
Drive, Germantown, Philadelphia,
Littleton, Hester, Weatherford,
Lloyd, Elise, Durham, North Caro-
Lloyd, Lillian, Mrs. Raymond L.
Thayer, Baldwin, Long Island.
Lloyd, Rachel, 407 Winthrop Street,
Toledo, Ohio.
Lloyd, Ruth, 407 Winthrop Street,
Toledo, Ohio.
Lloyd, Virginia, 309 Slandrillo, Bala,
Loeb, Corinne, 5337 East End Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois.
Lofton, Margaret, 408 Cooper Street,
Forth Worth, Texas.
Logan, Kathleen, 426 West Court
Street, Paris, Illinois.
Logan, Mary, 904 Jackson Street,
Amarillo, Texas.
Logan, Mattie Welsh, Nicholasville,
Loney, Corinne S., 1621 John Ave-
nue, Superior, Wisconsin.
Looney, Ellen, 1305 Harrison Boule-
vard, Boise, Idaho.
Looney, Tennie, 1305 Harrison Bou-
levard, Boise, Idaho.
Lorton, Marie, 536 Warren Crescent,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Lovell, Virginia, 1205 Fourth Ave-
nue, South, Fargo, North Dakota.
Low man, Elizabeth, Lowman, New
Lowrey, Adele, 612 Oak Street,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Lucas, Richmonde, Mrs. H. H. Far-
gus, U, S. Navy, Washington, D. C.
Luke, Isabel, Covington, Virginia.
Lydecker, Dorothy, 228 Grand Ave-
nue, Englewood, New Jersey.
Lynn, Gladys, 822 Federal Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Lynott, Eleanor, Louisiana, Missouri.
McCaa, Mary C., 413 Fairfax Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
McCallum, Katherine, 504 West 32^
Street, Austin, Texas.
McCane, Marie, 1907 McKinney
Avenue, Houston, Texas.
McCarten, Leslie, 246 East Sidney
Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York.
McCary, Helen, 1217 South Twen-
tieth Street, Birmingham, Alabama.
McClain, Lucilia, Mrs. I. T. Van
Patten, 1018 West Raleigh Avenue,
Norfolk, Virginia.
McClay, Katharine, 1085 Devon Road,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
McClintock, Mary Louise, Mrs. Chas.
W. Norton, Forest City, Arkansas.
McCluer, Margaret, Bon Air, Vir-
McConnell, Dorys, The Ridge, Suf-
fern, New York.
McCordic, Christine, Winnetka, Illi-
McDavid, Rose Owen, 310 Graymont
Heights, Birmingham, Alabama.
McDonald, Katherine, Mrs. Pember,
317 Fourth Avenue, Rome, Georgia
(1916-1917 at 119 East 19th Street,
New York City).
McDonald, Mary, 68 Erskine Street,
Detroit, Michigan.
McEwan, Virginia, Whippany, New
McGeorge, Rebecca, ii Red Oak
Road, Wilmington, Delaware.
McGowin, Lillie Belle, 976 Govern-
ment Street, Mobile, Alabama.
Mcllravy, Ruth, 20 Wildey Street,
Tarrytown, New York.
McKee, Mariana, 609 East Peru
Street, Princeton, Illinois (1916-
1917 at 411 Sellers Street, Hibbing,
McKinney, Mary, y:^s North Third
Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee.
McLaren, Gertrude, Lake Forest, Illi-
McNeer, Bessie, Emmons Apart-
ments, Huntington, West Virginia.
McVey, Margaret, 141 7 Grove Ave-
nue, Richmond, Virginia.
McWane, Mabel, 214 Cabell Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia,
McWhorter, Lou Emma, Mrs. Rich-
ard James Carroll, Middlefork,
West Virginia.
MacBain, Grace, 1921 East Ninety-
seventh Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Macdonough, Marjorie, ss Berkeley
Place, Ridgewood, New Jersey.
MacFarland, Estella, 624 North James
Street, Rome, New York.
Mackall, Emily, 3044 O Street, N.
W., Washington, D. C.
Mackay, Alma, 108 Lafayette Ave-
nue, Passaic, New Jersey.
MacNulty, Mildred, Silver Spring,
Madson, Elizabeth, 307 East Wiscon-
sin Avenue, Neenah, Wisconsin.
Magee, Cynthia, Mrs. Lawrence Mc-
Connell, 647 Monroe Avenue,
Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Mahone, Marie, 336 Freemanson
Street, Norfolk, Virginia.
Malone, Elizabeth, no West Eight-
eenth Street, Austin, Texas.
Malsby, Louise, The Wayne, Rich-
mond, Indiana.
Mantor, Alcyone, 221 North Eighth
Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Markell, Catherine, Mrs. Francis W.
Bridges, The Negley, Hagerstown,
Markle, Mabel, 450 Perkins Street,
Akron, Ohio.
Marshall, Catherine, 559 Twenty-
sixth Street, Rock Island, Illinois.
Marshall, Hazel, 755 Park Avenue,
New York City.
Marshall, Lucile, 11311 Belleflower
Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Marston, Ruth, 2008 Monument Ave-
nue, Richmond, Virginia.
Martin, Frances, 4332 Rockhill Road,
Kansas City, Missouri.
Martin, Grace, Greenville, Pennsyl-
Martin, Marianne, 1122 Westover
Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Martin, Rebecca, 142 Main Street,
Kingston, New York.
Mason, Helen, 228 Prospect Street,
Hagerstown, Maryland.
Mason, Janet, Durham, North Caro-
Massie, Helen, 1107 West Sixth
Street, Austin, Texas.
Massie, Ida, 412 Grace Street, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Massie, Martha, Lynchburg, Vir-
Matson, Frances (1912), Johnson
City, Tennessee.
Matthews, Marie, 1102 Barnwell
Street, Columbia, South Carolina.
Mattingly, Kathryn, 1350 Fairmont
Street, Washington, D. C.
Maurice, Ellen, Eagle Springs, North
Maurice, Ruth (1914), 140 West 69th
Street, New York City.
Maury, Isabel, 407 Hawthorne Ave-
nue, Houston, Texas.
Mayfield, Cornelia, Bay City, Texas.
Means, Bonner, 2009 Milam Street,
Houston, Texas.
Medlin, Otelia, 1236 Riverside Ave-
nue, Jacksonville, Florida.
Merrell, Virginia Jane, 844 Main
Street, Coshocton, Ohio.
Merritt, Em Turner, 619 North Bay-
len Street, Pensacola, Florida.
Merritt, Kitten, 619 North Baylen
Street, Pensacola, Florida.
Meek, Mildred, 3704 Garrot Street,
Houston, Texas.
Milholland, Irene, 46 W. Fall Creek
Boulevard, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Miller, Fannie, 412 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Miller, Helen Gould, R. F. D. No. z,
Wilmington, Delaware.
Miller, Sallie, Mrs. Jno. Rutherford
Bennett, 1932 Pendleton Street,
Columbia, S. C.
Miller, Virginia, 3200 Guadalupe
Street, Austin, Texas.
Mills, Lucile, 1125 Topeka Avenue,
Topeka, Kansas.
Milne, Ethel, 601 Vine Street, Chat-
tanooga, Tennessee.
Milne, Grace, 601 Vine Street, Chat-
tanooga, Tennessee.
Milne, SterHng, 601 Vine Street,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Minor, Grace, 314 North Spring
Street, Independence, Missouri.
Minor, Lucy, 61 North French
Broad Avenue, Asheville, North
Mitchell, Frances, West Broadway,
Columbia, Missouri.
Mitchell, Helen, 506 West Broadway,
Columbia, Missouri.
Mitchell, Mary, Newark, Delaware.
Mixon, Mary Frances, Mrs. Bob Mc-
Clintock, Marianna, Arkansas.
Mize, Katharine, 604 West Maple
Avenue, Independence, Missouri.
Molly, Evelyn, 2^ E. Market Street,
Lewistown, Pennsylvania.
Monash, Helen, Mrs. Hirsch, 5020
Grand Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
Montgomery, Mildred, Mrs. Freder-
ick R. Hocker, Ocala, Florida.
Moore, Donna, 23 Park Avenue, New
York City.
Moore, Eleanor, 702 Superior Ave-
nue, Dayton, Ohio.
Moore, Mamie, 27o8 Crawford Street,
Houston, Texas.
Moore, Mary, 6ii North Meridian
Street, Brazil, Indiana (1916-1917
at 1022 Park Row, Lake Geneva,
Moore, Pauline, 227 Cumberland
Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina.
More, Charlotte, Walton, New York
(1916-1917 at 113 Eudid Avenue,
Syracuse, New York).
Morgenroth, Elsa, 413 West Eighth
Street, Anderson, Indiana (1916-
1917 at 1549 Dixmont Avenue,
Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio).
Morriss, Emily, Mrs. James T. Cole-
man, 234 East Craig Place, San
Antonio, Texas.
Morriss, Emma (1911), 910 West
Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Morriss, Lucy, Tyler, Texas.
Morse, Eleanor, 202 Linden Avenue,
Oak Park, Illinois.
Moseley, Alice, 512 Fee Street, Oak:
Park, IlHnois.
Moss, Eppie, Lafayette, Louisiana
(1916-1917 at 821 13th Street, S.
W, Roanoke, Virginia.
Moss, Marjorie, 822 Ford Street,
Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Mossman, Vivian, Mrs. Frank Bid-
well Groves, 631 Fourteenth Street, ,
Huntington, West Virginia.
Motter, Serena, Frederick, Maryland.!.
Mountcastle, Grace, 611 Vine Street,;,
Knoxville, Tennessee.
Munce, Nancy, Mrs. Herbert Erskine
Jones, Sundale Farm, Oak Hill,
West Virginia.
Munroe, Abbie (1914), Quincy, Flor-
Munroe, Annette, Quincy, Florida.
Murray, Josephine (1911), Mrs. John
Whitman Joslin, Jr., 218 South
Melcher Street, Johnstown, New
Murrell, Frances (1910), Mrs. Ever-
ingham Rickards, Norfolk, Vir-
Myers, Frances, 323 East Freemason
Street, Norfolk, Virginia.
Myers, Hazel, 11 10 Scott Avenue,
Fort Scott, Kansas.
Neal, Berwyn, 620 Highland Avenue,
Newark, New Jersey.
Neal, Dorothy, 215 East Jefferson
Street, Boise, Idaho.
Neal, Laura, 922 Juliana Street,
Parkersburg, West Virginia.
Neale, Sadie, Mrs. Herd, Newport
News, Virginia.
Nebenzahl, Esther, Far Rockaway,
Long Island, New York.
Needels, Eleanor, Centerville, Iowa.
Neidig, Hope, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Neidig, Verna, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Nelson, Alice, Mrs. Duncan Smith,
42 Washington Square, New York
Nelson, Julia-Jean, 640 East Semi-
nary Street, Greencastle, Indiana.
Nelson, King, 402 East Main Street,
Staunton, Virginia.
Nes, Dorothy, 232 East Orange
Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Neville, Maria, Mrs. Stanton Brown,
Meridian, Mississippi.
Neville, Willie, 1049 Dauphin Way,
Mobile, Alabama.
Nev/ald, Gertrude, Mrs. Chas. Levy,,
517 Park Place, Milwaukee, Wis.
Newman, Elizabeth, 4738 Woodlawn 1
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Nicholson, Helen, 1901 Main Street,,
Richmond, Indiana.
Nicolson, Katharine H., 3013 Q)
Street, Washington, D. C.
Nicodemus, Grace, Buckeystown,i,
Norfleet, Adelaide, Suffolk, Virginia.i,
Norris, Anna, 420 North Chestnuttj
Street, Barnesville, Ohio.
Northcott, Amizett'a, 1344 Third Ave-
nue, Huntington, West Virginia.
*Northern, Mary, 902 Colonial Ave-;
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Norvell, Leonora, Mrs. Ernest R*
Latta, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
O'Bannon, Carolyn, 1927 Secondc
Street, Louisville, Kentucky. |
Cettinger, Helene, 619 Park Avenueei
Goldsboro, North Carolina. i
Oett'inger, Dorette, 619 Park Avenuee
Goldsboro, North Carolina. ;
Olin, Lila Bess, Mrs. Frank Perryyi
man Morgan, 10 Scott Street, Montt
gomery, Alabama.
Olney, Henrietta, Phoenix, Arizonaa,
Orme, Eloise, 1623 Twenty-eightW
Street, Washington, D. C.
Osborne, Kate, ii8 East Thirty-
first Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Osborne, Mary, Mrs. Guy Carleton
Steeves, Greyton Court, Riverside
Drive and 141st Street, New York
Oughton, Edith, 5410 Harper Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois.
Owen, Bergetta, 554 Lake Drive, Mil-
waukee, Wisconsin.
Owen, Ellen, 138 Union Avenue,
Northeast, Grand Rapids, Michi-
Owens, Evelyn, Mrs. Robert O. Ap-
ple, Winston-Salem, North Caro-
Page, Adella, Buckingham Park,
Larchmont", Norfolk, Virginia.
Page, Elizabeth, Aberdeen, North
Palin, Louise, 618 Windsor Terrace,
Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Palmer, Elsie, 88 North Franklin
Street, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania.
Parker, Frances, Euclid Hall, 56th
Street and Broadway, New York
Parker, Mary (1911), Franklin, Vir-
Parks, Alice, 58 West Eleventh
Street, Atlanta, Georgia.
Parrish, Elsie, Mrs. Wm. S. Weddell,
924 West Franklin Street, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Parrish, Mary, Mrs. Thrift Fergu-
son, Gaffney, South Carolina.
Parris, Juliet, Mrs. Theodore Gill,
Jr., Hammond Court, Washington,
D. C
Patrick, Margaret, West Chester,
Patterson, Julia Meade, 39 Union
Street, Petersburg, Virginia.
Patterson, Nella, 130 Eighth Avenue,
South, Nashville, Tennessee.
Patterson, Ruth, 6 Stratford Road,
Schenectady, New York.
Patton, Felicia (1916), Catlettsburg,
Patton, Rebekah (1914), Catletts-
burg, Kentucky.
Pauly, Gertrude, 1800 Grand Avenue,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Payne, Josephine, Covington, Vir-
Payne, Margaret, 412 Cabell Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Pearce, Augusta, 319 West 95th
Street, New York City.
Peck, Helen Louise, 42 Park Place,
New Britain, Connecticut.
Peckwell, Dorothy, 5 Plymouth Court,
Melford, Connecticut.
Peele, Marion, Sweet Briar, Virginia.
Pennock, Helen, Minerva, Ohio.
Pennypacker, Elmyra, 517 Main
Street, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Pennypacker, Frances (1915), 517
Main Street, Phoenixville, Penn-
sylvania (1916-1917 at Suburban
General Hospital, Bellevue, Pa.).
Pennypacker, Mary (1916), 517 Main
Street, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Perkins, Grace, 1516 West Avenue,
Richmond, Virginia.
Perry, Hilda, Mrs. Philip B. Whlt-
aker, 400 Bailey Avenue, Chatta-
nooga, Tennessee.
Peterson, Irma, 5479 Dorchester Ave-
nue, Chicago, Illinois.
Pfeiffer, Luima, Mrs. Chas. S.
Becker, zy^z Washington Boule-
vard, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Pfister, Bertha, Amherst, Virginia.
Philpot, Lillian, 1003 West Fifth
Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Phillips, Louise, Ferry Point, Chuck-
atauck, Virginia.
Phillips, Marion, 1144 Asbury Ave-
nue, Evanston, Illinois.
Phlegar, Katharine, Christiansburg,
Pickett, Catherine, 304 North Second
Avenue, Maywood, Illinois.
Pierce, Eva, Mrs. Charles M. Thorn-
ton, Union Springs, Alabama.
Pinkerton, Eleanor, 408 Warren Cres-
cent, Norfolk, Virginia (1916-1917
at 106 Morningside Drive, New
York City.
Pinkerton, Mary (1913), 4o8 Warren
Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia (1916-
1917 at 300 West 30th Street, Bal-
timore, Maryland).
Piper, Gertrude, 416 Seventeenth
Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis, Min-
Plain, Ruth, 3929 Vincennes Avenue,
Cliicago, Illinois.
Poague, Catharine, 5100 Kimbark
Avenue, Chicago, IlHnois,
Portmann, Laura (1914), 832 North
Market Avenue, Canton, Ohio
(1916-1917 at 1914^ West Boule-
vard, Cleveland, Ohio).
Potts, Margaret, Popodicon, Shep-
herdstown, West Virginia.
Potts, Nell, The Chesterfield, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Powell, Annie M. (1910), Wythe-
ville, Virginia (1916-1917 at 817
Whitaker Street, Savannah, Geor-
Powell, Priscilla, Camden, Arkansas.
Powers, Dudley, Mrs. Richard Lee
Page, Warrenton, Virginia.
Prange, Norma, 617 Erie Avenue,
Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Pratt, Jane, Highland, New York.
Preston, Miriam, Paris, Texas.
Priddy, Mae, 219 Colonial Avenue.
Norfolk, Virginia.
Pritchett, Eunice, 644 Main Street,
Box 103, Danville, Virginia.
Proctor, Josephine, Mrs. Henry G.
iSIelms, Calder Avenue, Beaumont,
Purcell, Dorothy, 145 South Linden
Street, Alliance, Ohio.
Purdy, Helen, care Mrs. Manning,
Londenville, New York.
Quinby, Katharine, Mrs. Charles Vail
Castle, 28 Thayer Street, Roches-
ter, New York.
Quinnerly, Agnes, Kinston, North
Ragland, Lavinia, Radford, Virginia.
Raiff, Frances, i8o Montross Avenue,
Rutherford, New Jersey.
Rainer, Evelyn, 1508 Harbert Ave-
nue, Memphis, Tennessee.
Randolph, Lester, 22(i East Hall
Street, Savannah, Georgia.
Raney, Mary Heath, Lawrenceville,
Rawson, Helen, 781 Summit Avenue,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Rea, Genevieve, 3633 Broadway, Kan-
sas City, Missouri.
Rea, Martha, 3633 Broadway, Kan-
sas City, Missouri.
Reardon, Marie, Midland, Michigan.
Recker, Margaret, 826 Woodruff
Place, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Red, Lei, 817 Caroline Street, Hous-
ton, Texas.
Reddish, Nelle, Mrs. Jack Wilson,
Memphis, Missouri.
Redfield, Evelyn, 3004 Victor Street,
Dallas, Texas.
Redmund, Helen, 5927 Kenmore
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Reed, Margaret, 142 Fourteenth
Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Reed, Mary, 511 West 150th Street,
New York City.
Reeder, WilHe Benham, Mrs. James
W. Bond, Florence, Alabama.
Reeves, Josephine, Abbottsford Ave-
nue, Germantown, Philadelphia,
Reynolds, Ruth, no North Main
Street, Cynthiana, Kentucky.
Rhea, Alexa, First State Bank Build-
ing, Dallas, Texas.
Rhyne, Mary, Mrs. Richard Ken-
drick Webb, Mount Holly, North
Ribble, Margaretha (1913), Wythe-
ville, Virginia.
Richards, Isabelle, Houlton, Maine.
Richardson, Bernice (i9i3),8o Wash-
ington Street, Leominster, Massa-
Richardson, Elizabeth, 1214 Quarrier
Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Richardson,. Frances (1913), 1214
Quarrier Street, Charleston, West
Richardson, Lois, 2.27 Walnut Street,
Sewickley, Pennsylvania.
Richardson, Louise, Mrs. Henry H.
George HI, 1831 Monument Ave-
nue, Richmond, Virginia,
Richardson, Mathilde, 206 First Ave-
nue, Belmar, New Jersey.
Rickard, Elisabeth, 166 Summit Ave-
nue, Summit, New Jersey.
Riddle, Florence Carr, 2401 West
End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.
Rigg, Edna, Mrs. A. T. Brown, 246
Burrows Street, State College,
Rigney, Evelyn, Mrs. Edgar Chan-
cellor, Columbus, Georgia.
Roach, Ethel, Pittsford, New York.
Robbins, Phoebe, Mrs. Homer Moore
Jewitt, 2083 East 96th Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Roberts, Anne, Valdosta, Georgia.
Roberts, Esther, 320 North Euclid
Avenue, Oak Park, Ilhnois.
Roberts, Hazel, 48A Dove Street, Al-
bany, New York.
Robertson, Frances, The Wyoming,
Washington, D. C.
Robertson, Virginia, I45 Holbrook
Avenue, Danville, Virginia.
Robinson, Ellen, 206 Freemason
Street, Norfolk, Virginia.
Rodes, Ella, Mrs. James Booker Hut-
ter, 1 5 17 Jackson Street, Lynch-
burg, Virginia.
Rodes, Mary, Danville, Kentucky.
Rodman, Cammie, 436 Mowbray
Arch, Norfolk, Virginia.
Rogers, Elizabeth, Shelby, Missis-
Ross, Ida, Mrs. Stewart Alfred Le-
Blanc, corner Government and
Cherokee Streets, Mobile, Alabama.
Royall, Anne, 812 Park Avenue,
Richmond, Virginia.
Rozelle, Maynette, The Frederica,
Owensboro, Kentucky.
Rucker, Jessie, 920 Clarksville Street,
Paris, Texas.
Ruffin, Jane Byrd, 511 Fairfax Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Russell, Constance (1916), 47 Grove
Hill, New Britain, Connecticut.
Russell, Julie, 47 , Grove Hill, New
Britain, Connecticut.
Rutherford, Helen, 209 South Sixth
Street, Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Ryland, Louise, Mrs. Harry S. Ni-
coU, 2910 Tracy Avenue, Kansas
City, Missouri.
Sabel, Olga, 624 Laura Street, Jack-
sonville, Florida.
Sachs, Madeleine, 1800 Corona Street,
Denver, Colorado.
Sackett, Helen, 643 North Fountain
Avenue, Springfield, Ohio.
Sandmeyer, Virginia, Columbus,
Satterthwait, Lucile, Waynesville,
North Carolina.
Sauer, Margaret, 3401 Wells Street,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Saul, Gladys, 1030 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Saunders, Mary, 604 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Sauters, Lois, 1428 Grace Avenue,
Lakewood, Ohio.
Savage, Katharine, 27 Prospect
Street, Ashtabula, Ohio.
Sawyer, Leila, T] East Hamilton
Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey.
Schabacker, Ruth, z^'^ West Tenth
Street, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Schafer, Adah, Carrollton, Illinois.
Schlemmer, Dorothy, 3929 Avenue
G, Austin, Texas.
Schloss, Amalia, 2908 North Illinois
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Scarritt, Catharine, 315 North Indi-
ana Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.
Schell, Catharine E., 6242 Swope
Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri.
*Schmelz, Nancy, i6th Street and
Colonial Avenue, Norfolk, Vir-
Schmelz, Elsie, Mrs. H. L. Collier,
i6th Street and Colonial Avenue,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Schmidt, Margaret L., Box 355, Elm
Grove, West Virginia.
Schmidt, Mildred A., 1336 Harvard
Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Schneider, Marie, 349 West Twenty-
second Street, New York City.
Schockey, Adelaide, 11 13 Chapline
Street, Wheeling, West Virginia.
Schoolfield, Lucille, 756 Main Street,
Danville, Virginia.
Schreier, Barbara, 524 Ontario Ave-
nue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin (1916-
191 7 at 2944 Michigan Boulevard,
Chicago, Illinois).
Schulte, Helen, Mrs. Albert S. Ten-
ney, 8205 Greenwood Avenue, Se-
attle, Washington.
Schummers, Gladys, 64 West Ave-
nue, Fairport, New York.
Schutte, Anne (1915), Marietta Ave-
nue, Lancaster, Pa. (1916-1917 at
108 Mercer Street, Princeton, New
Scott, Bessie, Mrs. Victor von Gem-
mingen, 13th and Lee Streets, Vic-
toria, Virginia.
Scott, Mary, Amherst, Virginia.
Scott, Julia Baxter, 506 South Tryon
Street, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Seaver, Charlotte, 11409 Glenwood
Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Sebring, Louise, 438 Fifteenth Street,
Sebring, Ohio.
Sedgwick, Deborah, Mrs. Henry Pat-
ton, Main Street, Danville, Vir-
Seeds, Marjorie, Mrs. Matthews
Fletcher, 1621 Talbot Avenue, In-
dianapolis, Indiana.
Sellar, Georgena, 411 Tenbroeck
Street, Paris, Illinois (1916-1917
at 411 Seminary Street, Green-
castle, Indiana).
Sellers, Frances, 1501 Broome Street,
Wilmington, Delaware.
Sexton, Jamie, Mrs. Peter Hagner
Holmes, Colorado Springs, Colo-
Sexton, Kathleen, Mrs. R. Kent Spil-
ler, Roanoke, Virginia.
Shafer, Marguerite, Mrs. Chester A.
Whitmer, Waycross, Georgia.
Shand, Barbara, Narberth, Pennsyl-
Sharp, Jeannette M., 46 West 27th
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Sharpe, Caroline J., 80 West River ;
Street, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. ;
Sheffield, Sarah, 811 Church Street,
Americus, Georgia.
Sheldon, Ruth, 240 Peck Street, Mus-
kogeon, Michigan.
Sheldon, Sybil F., 1817 National
Avenue, Rockford, Illinois.
Shenehon, Claire, 2109 Blaisedell Ave-
nue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Shirey, Alice, 201 Russell Street,
Bluefield, West Virginia.
Shirey, Blanche, 201 Russell Street,
Bluefield, West Virginia.
Shirey, Eveline, Mrs. Ross Leroy
McLellan, Bluefield, West Virginia.
Shirk, Rosina, Hanover, Pennsyl-
Sholar, Frances, 621 Vine Street,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Shoop, Ethel, Suffolk, Virginia,
Shoop, Virginia, Mrs. John Temple
PhiUips, 169 Mariner Street, Buf-
falo, New York.
Shortess, Pauline, loio Sixth Street,
Charleston, Illinois.
Shulofer, Helen C, 516 Rockdale
Avenue, Avondale, Cincinnati, O.
Shunk, Edna, 225 East Sixth Ave-
nue, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Shwab, Elizabeth, 1523 Broad Street,
Nashville, Tennessee.
Sibley, Hettie, 2181 Highland Ave-
nue, Birmingham, Alabama.
Simonds, Mary, 48 Meeting Street,
Charleston, South Carolina.
Simons, Sara, Mrs. C. Norwood
Hastie, 45 Legare Street, Charles-
ton, South CaroHna.
Sims, Lucy, Mrs. William Worth
Smith, Jr., Louisa, Virginia.
Sinkler, Allen, 5 Ladson Street,
Charleston, South Carolina.
Sinsel, Alma, iiii West Eighteenth
Street, Boise, Idaho.
Sipe, Enid, 301 South Main Street,
Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Skillern, Inez, 1805 North Tenth
_ Street, Boise, Idaho.
Skinner, Dorothy, Mrs. Percy T.
Sheedy, 644 Lucas Avenue, Los
Angeles, California.
Slaughter, Sue (1913), 547 Warren
Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia.
Sloan, Carla, 64 South Battery,
Charleston, South Carolina.
Sloan, Edna, 71 18 Linwood Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Sloan, Elizabeth, 64 South Battery,
Charleston, South CaroHna.
Sloan, Frances, 24 Washington Street,
Cumberland, Maryland.
Smith, Dorothy R., Purcellville, Vir-
Smith, Eleanor, 72 Milford Avenue,
Newark, New Jersey.
Smith, Enrique, 620 Columbus Street,
Waco, Texas.
Smith, Ermon, Alexander Apart-
ments, El Paso, Texas.
Smith, Sarah Louise, 503 Dartmouth
Street, Brunswick, Georgia.
Smythe, Lois, Greenville, Mississippi.
Smythe, Mildred, Mrs. Le Noir Josie,
Beaumont, Texas.
Smythe, Ruth, 554 East Street, Mem-
phis, Tennessee.
Snow, Jane, 267 Alexander Street,
Rochester, New York.
Sollitt, Elanette, 3995 Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
Sommerville, Eleanor, Mrs. Raymond
Head Hatch, Morrisville, Vermont.
Souders, Beulah, 5518 Hyde Park
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.
Spady, Maria, Cape Charles, Vir-
Spafford, Harrietta, 321 Plant Ave-
nue, Tampa, Florida.
Spahr, Elizabeth, 38 Stockton Street^
Princeton, New Jersey.
Spalding, Marjorie, 614 West Park
Avenue, Champaign, Illinois.
Spencer, Mary, 806 Main Street, Dan-
ville, Virginia.
Spengel, Margaret, 1565 Race Street,
Denver, Colorado.
Sprague, Louise, Mrs. Julian C.
Brooks, Newell, Iowa.
Sprinkel, Mary, Mrs. Richard C.
Taylor, Hanover Courthouse, Vir-
Stacy, Cordelia, Mrs. Thomas B.
Ramey, 703 South Broadway,
Tyler, Texas.
Staehlin, Pauline, loio Kanawha
Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Staley, Eleanor, Delamere, Breath-
edsville, Maryland.
Staley, Margaret, Mrs. John D.
Crawford, The Calvert Apart-
ments, Hagerstown, Maryland,
Staley, Mary, Mrs. Gordon K. Nico-
demus, Breathedsville, Alaryland.
Stanford, Elizabeth, Apartment 41
The Dresden, Washington, D. C.
Stanley, Edith, 21 10 Rivermont Ave-
nue, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Staples, Jean, 528 Richmond Avenue,
Buffalo, New York.
Staples, Ruth, 528 Richmond Ave-
^ nue, Buffalo, New York.
Starling, Clarissa, 321 Magnolia Ave-
nue, Sanford, Florida.
Steele, Eleanor, 823 Third Avenue,
North, Columbus, Mississippi.
Steele, Genie, 823 Third Avenue,
North, Columbus, Mississippi.
Steele, Martha, 127 First Avenue,
East, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Stephenson, Reba, Mrs. Henry Kellj;-,
Jr., 608 North Marguerit'a Avenue,
Alhambra, Los Angeles, California.
Stevens, Ruth, Box No. 282, Lynch-
burg, Virginia.
Stevenson, Martha, Wallace, Idaho.
Steves, Edna, 504 King William
Street, San Antonio, Texas.
Stewart, Elizabeth, 801 Hill Avenue,
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania.
Stewart, Mary, ']']'] Ponce de Leon
Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia.
Stiles, Marina, Thrall, Texas.
Stockdale, Jean (1916), 335 Park
Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Stone, Eleanor, care Major W. P.
Stone, Retired, War Department,
Washington, D. C.
Storey, Christie, 501 McGowan Ave-
nue, Houston, Texas.
Storey, Hildegarde, 501 McGowan
Avenue, Houston, Texas.
Stout, Katrina, 502 West Third Ave-
nue, Corsicana, Texas.
Stout, Rebecca (1916), Hartsville,
South Carolina.
Strachan, Marguerite, 179 Highland
Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
Strasburg, Marjorie, 28 East Forest
Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
Strobhar, Helen, care W. G. Strob-
har, Savannah, Georgia.
Strother, Jennie, 320 Madison Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
Sturgis, Helen, 1841 North Delaware
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Summers, Frances, 703 South Vir-
ginia Street, Hopkinsville, Ken-
Suppes, Nancy, Valley Pike, Johns-
town, Pennsylvania.
Sutherland, Elizabeth, 510 Buffalo
Street, Farmville, Virginia.
Sutherland, Mary, Mrs. Royall
Knapp Baker, 84 Pl3miouth Ave-
nue, South, Rochester, New York.
Swain, Alice (1914), 62 Evergreen
Place, East Orange, New Jersey.
Swan, Dorothy, 154 Passaic Avenue,
Passaic, New Jersey.
Swan, Ruth, 154 Passaic Avenue,
Passaic, New Jersey.
Swaney, Penelope, Mrs. M. Y. Hope,
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.
Sykes, Dorothy, Aberdeen, Missis-
Tabb, Mary Clifton, Mrs. J. Wood-
ruffe George, 1809 Marengo Street,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Tait, Lucy, Spring Garden, Monroe,
Taliaferro, Carrie, 308 East Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Taliaferro, Lucy, 308 East Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Talmadge, Grace, 1237 Prince Ave-
nue, Athens, Georgia.
Tandy, Mary, Mrs. Milton G. Moore,
129 East Sixteenth Street, Hop-
kinsville, Kentucky.
Tandy, Nell, 129 East Sixteenth
Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
Tarbell, Dorothy, no North Geneva
Street, Ithaca, New York.
Tayloe, Elizabeth, Washington, North
Taylor, Dorothy, z^ Ridgewood Ter-
race, Maplewood, New Jersey.
Taylor, Helen, Tyler, Texas.
Taylor, Mary, 905 South Mary Street',
Tyler, Texas.
Taylor, Maude, 1720 Frances Street,
Houston, Texas.
Temple, Margaret, 138 Broad Street,
Danville, Virginia.
Ten Eyck, Anne, Box No. 244, 2
West Madison Avenue, Johnstown,
New York.
Tennent, Rafaela, 600 East Chicago
Street, Sturgis, Michigan (1916-
1917 at 4812 Sheridan Road, Chi-
cago, Illinois).
Thach, Mayo (1913), Terrace Court
Apartments, Birmingham, Ala-
Thacker, Lois, Mrs. Earnest L. Park-
er, 812 North Main Street, Cle-
burne, Texas.
Theiss, Ruth, 909 West Market
Street, Akron, Ohio.
TheLosen, Marie, (^7 East Thir-
teenth Street, Brooklyn, New
Thomas, Emmy, B ram well. West
Thomas, Margaret, Mrs. George H.
Patten, 645 Scott Avenue, Kirk-
wood, Missouri.
Thomas, Ria, 119 Ninth Avenue,
S. E., Roanoke, Virginia.
Thompson, Bernice, R. F. D. No. 3»
Springfield, Ohio.
Thompson, Doris, Guilford Place,
Toledo, Ohio.
Thompson, Elizabeth, Hillsborough
Street, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thompson, Jennie, 1224 Avalon
Street, Birmingham, Alabama.
Thompson, Kathryn, Mrs. Joseph S.
Mather, 65 South Madison Avenue,
Pasadena, California.
Thompson, Minette, 2300 Travis
Street, Houston, Texas.
Thomson, Katie, Lockhart, Texas,
Thomson, Mildred, 413 Fairfax Ave-
nue, Norfolk, Virginia.
Thornburg, Marion, Lehigh Univer-
sity, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Thornton, Currier, 1901 Adelicia
Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.
Thornton, Mildred, 1901 Adelicia
Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.
Thorpe, Helene, 102 East Hancock
Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
Thorsch, Elsa, 4924 Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.
Throckmorton, Lucy, Laburnum Ave-
nue, Ginter Park, Richmond, Vir-
Tibbitts, Marion, 55 Edgerton Road,
Akron, Ohio.
Tietig, Doris, 240 Ohio Avenue, Cin-
cinnati, Ohio.
Tillman, Lucy, Vaughn Road, Nash-
ville, Tennessee.
Tillman, Martha, Vaughn Road,
Nashville, Tennessee.
Timpson, Vera, 612 Atlanta Avenue,
San Antonio, Texas.
Tinley, Elsie, 553 Willow Avenue,
Council Blufifs, Iowa.
Tomb, Ethel, Mrs. Paul S. Emerson,
Carpenter Avenue, Indiana, Penn-
Tomlinson, Bland, 2007 Highland
Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama.
Tonsmeire, Catharine, 617 City Bank
Building, Mobile, Alabama.
Towle, Virginia, 1524 Fourth Ave-
nue, Louisville, Kentucky.
Towne, Catherine, 819 Judson Ave-
nue, Evanston, Illinois.
Tress, Inez, 321 Highland Place, Ot-
tawa, Illinois.
Trevett, Alma, 407 North Prairie
Avenue, Champaign, Illinois.
Trigg, Anne Mae, Mrs. Frank
Birmingham, Westbrook Hotel
Fort Worth, Texas.
Trigg, Barbara, Mrs. David Tucker
Brown, Chapel Hill, North Caro-
Trimble, Hazel, 104 Lexington Ave-
nue, Passaic, New Jersey.
Tucker, Helen, Chattanooga Paint
Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Tucker, Henrietta, Lexington, Vir-
Turk, Esther Cornwall, Geneva, New
rie I
Turlington, Louise, Fair Oaks, Acco-
mac County, Virginia.
Turman, Almeria, Tampa, Florida.
Turner, Austin, Woodberry Forest,
Orange, Virginia.
Turpin, Frances, 404 College Street,
Macon, Georgia.
Tutwiler, Mary, 814 Adams Avenue,
Memphis, Tennessee.
Tyler, Jane, 206 Eighth Street, South,
Fargo, North Dakota.
Tyler, Mary (1913), Mrs. Edward
H. Cole, 206 Eighth Street, South,
Fargo, North Dakota.
Tyler, Lucy, Mrs. Elbert Henry Wil-
let. The Pines, Anniston, Alabama.
Tyson, Elizabeth, South Strafford,
Valentine, Ann, 803 West Franklin
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Valentine, Cary, Mrs. Louis E.
Cutchins, 1116 West Avenue, Rich-
mond, Virginia.
Valentine, Dorothy, 194 Green Street,
Woodbridge, New Jersey.
Valentine, Martha, 803 West Frank-
lin Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Van Bibber, Ann Elise, Mrs. William
Otis Reckard, Huntington, West
Van Vliet, Jean, 711 Washington
Boulevard, Oak Park, Illinois.
Varner, Mary, 181 5 Timmonds Ave-
nue, Portsmouth, Ohio.
Waddey, Margaret, Mrs. James Box-
ley, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Wadsworth, Henrietta, 2108 Third
Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Wagner, Mildred, Mrs. Dickinson
Shields, Edgewood, Pittsburgh,
Wailes, Mary, Mrs. F. H. Morton,
Burnwell, West Virginia.
Wailes, Sadie, Sweet Briar, Virginia.
Waite, Marguerite, 569 High Street,
Newark, New Jersey (1916-1917 at
2650 Wisconsin Avenue, Washing-
ton, D. C).
Waite, Mildred, 569 High Street,
Newark, New Jersey.
Wales, Catherine, Bank Street, Nor-
folk, Virginia.
Walker, Carol, 197 Iroquois Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan.
Walker, Helen, 303 Willow Avenue,
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Walker, Ida, 1463 St. James Court,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Walker, Marion, 602 West Tenth
Street, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Walker, Martha, 411 Park Avenue,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Walker, Mary Ellis, 1463 St. James
Court, Louisville, Kentucky.
Walker, Rachel, Waynesboro, Vir-
Walkup, Elsie, Euclid Apartment 16,
Berkeley, California.
Wallace, Dorothy, 9 Ladson Street,
Charleston, South Carolina.
Wallace, Dorothy, Veedersburg, In-
Wallace, Lily, Fredericksburg, Vir-
Waller, Cordelia, La wrenceburg, Ken-
Ward, Elizabeth, 1216 Highland Ave-
nue, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Ward, Fannie Belle, Mrs. Lloyd
Boerne, Detroit, Texas.
Ward, Sea Willow, 685 Park Street,
Beaumont, Texas.
Warner, Mary Virginia, 2391 Wood-
land Avenue, Duluth, Minnesota.
Washburn, Henrietta (1914), Z^7
South Eleventh ^ Street, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania.
Watkins, Ruth, Minden, Louisiana.
Watson, Lucretia, 1715 Main Street,
Houston, Texas.
Watson, Madeline, 25 Henry Avenue,
Melrose Highlands, Massachusetts.
Watson, Margie, 1214 Ninth Avenue,
Greely, Colorado.
Watson, Mertie, Cartref Cottage,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Watson, Nancy, 135 Sutherlin Ave-
nue, Danville, Virginia.
Watson, Sallie, Danville, Virginia.
Wattles, Florence, 393 Richmond
Avenue, Buffalo, New York.
Wayman, Pearl, Mrs. Frank Foncan-
non, Rochester, Minnesota.
Weakley, Eula, 2200 Ridge Park Ave-
nue, Birmingham, Alabama.
Weaver, Rosalie, 2225 Ridge Park
Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama.
Webb, Celia, 968 Government Street,
Mobile, Alabama.
Webb, Isabel, 1874 East 82d Street,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Webster, Alice, West Ghen Boule-
vard, Norfolk, Virginia.
Webster, Christine, Carthage, Mis-
Webster, Helena, Kensington, Mary-
Webster, Mariana, 1025 Fifth Street,
S. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Weer, Lucile, 927 North Meridian
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wefel, Marguerite, Mrs. Charles
Wesley Waters, Jr., Mobile, Ala-
Weichselbaum, Nina, 868 Mulberry
Street, Macon, Georgia.
Weisiger, Louise (1915), 2716 Hill-
crest Road, Manchester Station,
Richmond, Virginia.
Wenar, Edith, Mrs. Albert Kaufman,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Wensley, Margaret, 13372 Euclid
Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio.
Weslow, Estelle, Mrs. William Pal-
lac, care 415 West Eleventh Street,
Anderson, Indiana.
West, Mary Ethel, Monterey Street,
5 South of Government, Mobile,
Westwater, Mary, 87 Monroe Ave-
nue, Columbus, Ohio.
Wheeler, Laura, Mrs. T. E. Nelson,
1900 Colorado Boulevard, Denver,
Wheeler, Mary Anna, 9 East Pedre-
gosa Street, Santa Barbara, Cali-
Wheelwright, Esther, Buckhead
Springs, Virginia.
Wheless, Adelaide, 1776 Calder Ave-
nue, Beaumont, Texas.
Wheless, Bessie, Mrs. G. A. Mercer,
Jr., care Chatham Crescent, Sa-
vannah, Georgia.
White, Annie, Walton, New York.
White, Eudalia, 122 South Munn
Avenue, East Orange, New Jer-
White, Olivia, 217 Madison Street,
Lynchburg, Virginia.
White, Rebecca (191 3), Walton, New
White, Velna, Mrs. S. E. Hostetter,
214 Twelfth Avenue, Hutchinson,
Whitehead, Martha, 1228 Eighteenth
Avenue, Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Whitehead, Mary, Amherst, Virginia.
Whitehill, Helen, 85 East Thirteenth
Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Whitehill, JuHann, 85 East Thir-
teenth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
Whitley, Dorothy, 416 North Twenty-
second Street, Birmingham, Ala-
Whitten, Effie May, Amherst, Vir-
Whittet, Bessie, 712 West Grace
Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Wieck, Elaine, 635 Lafayette Street,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Wikofif, Marguerite, 11 14 West Six-
teenth Street, Oklahoma City, Ok-
Wilcox, Dorothy, 909 West Sixth
Street, Austin, Texas.
Wild, Frances, 1639 North Meridian
Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wilkinson, Annie, 204 North State
Street, Jackson, Mississippi.
Williams, Amy, The Tavern, Fair-
mont, West Virginia.
Williams, Bessie, Amherst, Virginia.
Williams, Cardelle, Crescent City,
Williams, Evelyn, Mrs. Vincent M.
Miles, 2609 Broadway, Little Rock,
Williams, Helen, 902 Floyd Avenue,
Richmond, Virginia.
WilHams, Irene, Mrs. Wm. Palmer
Oliver, 630 North Street, Cape Gi-
rardeau, Missouri.
WilHams, Jessie, 711 East Morgan
Street, Boonville, Missouri.
Williams, MolHe, Amherst, Virginia.
Williams, Sue, 711 East Morgan
Street, Boonville, Missouri.
WilHams, Virginia, 637 South Wash-
ington Street, Van Wert, Ohio.
Wills, Anna, Duncannon, Pennsyl-
Wilson, EHzabeth, 367 Washington
Avenue, Lexington, Missouri.
Wilson, Grace, Belton, Missouri.
Wilson, LouHe (1912), 434 Charlotte
Avenue, Rock Hill, South Carolina
(1916-1917 at Cathedral School,
Orlando, Florida).
Wilson, Lucy, Belton, Missouri.
Wilson, Katherine, Lexington, Mis-
souri (1916-1917 at 3632 Gilham
Road, Kansas City, Missouri).
Wilson, Margaret, Mrs. Ford Ballan-
tyne, Grosse Pointe Shores, Michi-
Wilson, Martha KJiox, Smithfield,
Wilson, Mildred, Bartow, Florida.
Wilson, Sarah, Rushmere, Virginia.
Wilson, Sarah, Mrs. Thos. V. Ma-
gruder, 1107 South Twentieth
Street, Birmingham, Alabama.
Wilson, Susan, Belton, Missouri.
Wingfield, Eleanor, 407 West Frank-
lin Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Winston, Elizabeth, Winston, Vir-
Withers, Katherine, Roanes, Glou-
cester County, Virginia.
Wood, Ella, Mrs. Joseph Stanley
I Gibson, Pasadena, California.
Wood, Eva, Amherst, Virginia.
[Wood, Isabel, Park Street, Char-
lottesville, Virginia.
Woodard, Elizabeth, 524 Warren
W' Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia,
oodbridge, Laura, 2353 North Me-
ridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Woodson, Edith, Mrs. John Sharp
Ewing, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Woolf, Mabel, 11 15 Ninth Avenue,
Greely, Colorado.
iVorkum, Hannah, 678 North Cres-
cent Avenue, Avondale, Cincinnati,
Wortham, Clara Root, Laurel
Heights Terrace, San Antonio,
Wright, Elizabeth, 1322 South Thirty-
fifth Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska.
Wright, Eva, 4 West Dayton Ave-
nue, Ridgewood, New Jersey.
Wright, Linda, 650 Pavonia Avenue,
Jersey City, New Jersey.
Yerkes, Marian, Mrs. E. H. Barlow,
1240 Clinton Place, Elizabeth, New
Young, Frances, 2910 Campbell
Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Zaegel, Elsie (1912), Mrs. I. C.
Thomas, 2108 North Sixth Street,
Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Zeehandelaar, Lois, 607 Kenmore
Avenue, Los Angeles, California.
Anne Schutte, '15
Margaret Grant, '15,
Business Manager
Auce Swain, '14,
Ex officio